Luna Is The Best Pony 7,288 members · 4,656 stories
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The more I think about it, as soon as Cadance and Shining armor married, Celestia and Luna became the aunties of Shining Armor, and he their nephew (in law; I shorten the terms cause family is family). And since twilight is the sister of shining armor, that makes her the niece of both Alicorn sisters, as she is now the sister to Cadance. This is incest? Yes?

The two are not related by blood.

I mean, kinda, but that’s a lot of hoops to make it incest tbh, and shining would die eventually so like…

No it wouldn’t. Incest heavily implies that the two in question share blood or at the least familial feelings.
Being related by law doesn’t count.

Comment posted by KirinNirikarereallyc001 deleted May 23rd, 2023

How does it not count? They’re still family.

Like many of said incest only applies if two people share the same blood and enter a relationship

Author Interviewer

The "aunt" title is honorary afaik.






So in laws in any part of the world can marry? Even though you’re already legally classified as family, you can still become more?

What do you mean, by "any part of the world?"

China Russia America Guatemala Honduras India Afghanistan Germany?

Author Interviewer

The "aunt" title is honorary.

And even if it weren't, there's a much larger disconnect between Twilight and Luna versus, say, Twilight and Cadence, who also are not related by blood.

Guess that makes since. So in short Twilight could marry any one of the Alicorns and it would not be a problem?

Author Interviewer

...No, she could marry Luna. Or Celestia I guess, but I (personally) find that semi-incestual since Celestia did a lot of raising Twilight when she was young.

The other two are too closely related to her. :P And one's sort of an infant.

Comment posted by FriendsForever deleted May 23rd, 2023


I mean, Twilight x Flurry WOULD be incest since Flurry is Twilights ACTUAL niece

Depends on the definition of incest, really. It actually varies from country to country and culture to culture. For such a thing to be considered incestuous in some countries, the people in question need to be related by blood (and to varying degrees--cousins can sometimes marry without issue, sometimes not). In some other countries, such a marriage would be considered incestuous indeed even between unrelated individuals if they are considered to be part of the same family by law (including adoption).

Moreover, there's at least one native tribe--the name of which escapes me at the moment, but I could look it up if you want--whose culture revolves quite a lot around various body scents. For this tribe, brother and sister just sitting close to each other is considered incest, because the close proximity means that their bodily scents might mix.

That depends on the writer.
You may (or not) be interested in reading Cats Cradle by Shakespearicles . A great story, clop with a plot.

Maybe I can set this up correctly. It's only incest if they are directly related. In other words, marriage doesn't count. Shinning Armor is Twilight's older brother while Cadence is the adopted niece of Celestia. Unfortunately, since this show doesn't do backstories, we'll probably never what really got those two to marry each other. Also, it was never clear what either of those two were doing before ruling the Crystal Empire since it was never brought up either, though that's probably also the result of not having backstories.

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