Vamponies (and other supernatural creatures) 2,771 members · 1,118 stories
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This story will involve the magics of superstition and witchery. No, I don't mean Harry Potter, I mean the witches as folk tales held them in the Dark Ages. I want old superstitions and magical practices. Occult beliefs and things that lurked in the dark. Voodoo, potions, evil eyes, whatever you got. All superstitions welcome.

1944828 All of the Cthulhu Mythos?

Read the book series 'the last apprentice' it has some very good material on this subject.

Tone down on the Cthulhu mythos. I want my characters alive and sane (mostly). Also, I'm thinking older myths, like medieval Europe stuff. What witches were supposed to do, magics and how to perform them, exactly what you had to do to get these powers (usually it involves a contract with Satan), and so such. That said, there will be Mythos inspiration.

Tone down a bit on the Cthulhu mythos, I want my characters alive and sane, mostly:pinkiecrazy:. Also, what I'm looking for is more Medieval Europe superstitions, folktales, and curses. There will be Cthulhu Mythos influences, though.


A unicorn horn can be cut off and used to make powerful magic items such as the amulets, wands, mirrors, or the handles of other weapons or tools. These are generally referred to as Alicorn Artifacts (of which the Alicorn Amulet is one). Creating these items always results in robbing the unicorn of their magic though there are ways to ensure its temporary (where their horn can grow back) but those methods tend to be more complicated or result in a weaker artifact.

History is full of power hungry characters stealing unicorn horns (which is traumatic and dangerous to the unicorn in question) to create these items. That, and they have a corrupting influence on their user depending on how traumatic the harvesting was for the unicorn.

Notes: A unicorn can shave off bits of their own horn to create lesser alicorn artifacts, the process is painful (or at least unpleasant) and invariably results in weakening their magical ability until their horn grows back (or they adjust to the new horn shape). Any artifact created in this manner has a special connection to the unicorn who created it. Said artifact is more powerful when they use it and it cannot be used against them.

Headless horses are a type of undead created by necromancers. By removing the head from the body, the resulting undead is unable to feed on the blood or life energy of living things and acts more like a loyal guard dog or a golem or sorts. A headless horse does have to 'feed' but does so through the necromancer infusing them with energy, or creating a ritual circle that gives the headless horse power when it is nearby the site of the ritual.

As such, headless horses generally either follow the necromancer around in their service or they are tied to a specific site to act as guardians. They are universally weakened by the presence of running water and cannot chase a target across a river (even if there is a bridge over it).

When you said Occult I immediately thought of Full metal alchemist

1944837 whats with you and gay weed?
*clicks link*
You sir have problems

Some stuff from that is okay too.

1946255 Problems that make good solutions.

1949380......whatever *leaves plain of existance*

Clicked the link, and I'm thinking no. Not at all, so you can stop posting all those 'gay weed' suggestions. I don't really know what 'gay weed' is and I don't think I want to know. Ever. So, again, can it with the gay weed suggestions. It isn't happening.

1950502 Gay Weed is the merging of legalizing Marijuana and Homosexual marriage, creating a happier world where we all enjoy each other. Well, we will still hate republicans.

This has nothing to do with the occult. Please take it elsewhere, and it still won't be involved in the story. I am not aiming to create a political fic. That's for bigger masochists than me. If you want to comment on this thread, it's for people to post old European (as in, real-world old superstition) magics and folk spells, and so such. Please post that stuff.

1950865 Fine, then add a good ol' Nyarlathotep, I am sure your universe can handle that much. Maybe.

I don't think he'd quite fit in with the setting. After all, as far as I know, he was a creation of H.P. Lovecraft. That and, again, I want my hero to remain alive and sane(-ish) during the story. Lovecraft is not the way to go for that.
Remember, this is an 'Old Magicks' setting, not Cthulhu Mythos.

1944828 mirrors reflect the soul of the person, and can capture a spirit. There are witches that eat the souls of mortals, and can only be harmed by cast iron, and only when they're feeding, during other times they take on a human disguise.

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