Dragonfire, a confident mercenary mare, takes her wasteland life as it comes. Little does she know that she is more special than she had realised—so much so that somepony lurking in the shadows has been waiting for her for a long time.
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Brainslugs… gotta love a good Futurama brainslug now and then. Ohh and First
"at those ideas my mindset onto one thing. " Can't find heads or tails in this sentence
"A wall full of shattered brain jars and one large smashed tank stretched high into the gloom Each broken tube still dripped the strange green liquid." You forgot a period here, or to make the E lowercase and then add a comma.
"With a muffled shrieked she fell down from the thicket of wires and pipes above me as if the wall had consumed her and spit her out exactly where she needed to be" Remove ed
"I lined up several shots with one of my plasma rifles into pulsing thing attached to her head then executed the spell" Seems like you are missing a word here
"Did it work, or was she dead? " This is a thought, so should be in present tense
" I'd never let anything happened to my friends" remove the ed in the end
"hat kind of pony does she think I was right now?" am
"The Screen had died to naught but a cold blackness," No need for the capital S there
9141742 Edits added, thank you!