• Member Since 4th Jan, 2021

Tardy to The Party

Decided to finally give this fandom a chance, then I found out it was ending. :(

Children 9 stories
Found 2 stories in 19ms
Total Words: 3,378
Estimated Reading: 13 minutes



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With one family member off to war as a medic, a mixed family of ponies and zebras live their day to day lives and try not to kill each other or anyone else along the way.

This is a companion piece for Same Heart, Different Body and Same Heart, Different Days, which are in the same universe as this story. Unlike this work, those two stories are for Mature audiences only. Reading those isn't required to understand this story.
With that said, this is a commission for Tardy to the Party 👏

Cover art beautifully done by Pridark, full non-blurry picture is in the source without the title tag of course.
Contains themes of internalized racism, fears in reference to violence and death, generational trauma, and more to add as it becomes relevant.

Chapters (1)

In a world where war and conflict is being waged seemingly just beyond his busy Mining Town, Iron Rail's problem seems to take up more of his thoughts then impending destruction. Maybe a walk will help him clear his head, and if he meets a friend along the way?

Well, it can’t possibly make things worse?

This is my first story and a love letter to everyone whose worked on a story with me and/or has just been a good friend!
This work is set in the same universe as the story Same Heart, Different Days By DrySpell but largely unconnected.

Lastly I'd like to thank Some Leech for proofreading this work.

Chapters (1)