• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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  • Wednesday
    You ever wonder why we're here?

    Rooster Teeth is coming back under new old management.

    Now the $64,000 question is, what becomes of this?

    Because by now, all of the old guard have come out and said that RT failed because they could no longer make the content they wanted to make, and were instead beholden to algorithms.

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    13 comments · 102 views
  • 1 week
    Tell Your Tale: The Alicorn Path

    This week, we've got another leaked animatic, with additional Skyros lore, and... Filler music from Steven Universe. Guess we're at the point where the composer wasn't even finished.

    Ugh, just... Tying the life of this series to toy sales in 2024...

    Fuck you, Hasbro.

    20 comments · 160 views
  • 1 week
    The things I find when doomscrolling YouTube...

    So I found a channel that put YouTube comments to song, this video in particular, reactions to the latest Snow White live-action remake:

    What's more? It's actually pretty fire.

    The trailer in question (I saw it leading up to Sonic 3 in theaters) is on pace to cross one million dislikes by morning.

    7 comments · 80 views
  • 2 weeks
    So I decided to start speedrunning Freedom Planet last night...

    ...and tonight, I'm questioning my sanity.

    That final boss is a fucking brick wall.

    Still getting writing done too, no worries. Hope to have the next chapter of Meet The Lings ready to go over the weekend!

    4 comments · 48 views
  • 3 weeks
    Hope to have story updates soon!

    So its been about a week since I sat down to write, spending my free time with another Skyrim run instead. Hope that changes after work today.

    First up will be a short update to Roots of a Cold Heart, then another update to Meet the Lings.

    Haven't forgotten about Unicorn Attack either.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    3 comments · 63 views

Make Your Mark Chapter 2 · 10:14pm Sep 26th, 2022

The first episode of Make Your Mark Chapter 2 is on YouTube (and all eight are on Netflix).

I'm three episodes in. So far, the writing is a decidedly marked improvement from the special, but not quite reaches the quality levels of the movie. Animation as well. Looking forward to more, but not sure I'll get through all eight tonight.

Theme song is decent too.

Comments ( 10 )

I banged through all eight early this morning when they were first released (huzzah lack of sleep).

They aight. :applejackunsure:

Sleep is for the weak.

I've gone through 5 already and will watch the last three tomorrow and I've been enjoying it. All but episode 4 that is.

One down
Now debating the merits of watching one a day to spread out the rewards a bit, or binging all in one for maximized pony pleasure

That's me right there. I was still awake at 4 in the morning while noticing the episodes were released. I'm currently binging them now with me feeling forgetful due to the amount of lost sleeping hours. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm 4 episodes in, and it's pretty good so far. Nothing amazing, but there is a gradual improvement with each episode, so I think there is a lot of potential, especially with the bigger focus on an overarching narrative.

Ok. I finally got to the last episode. But man, I feel so sorry for Misty. She just wants to get her cutiemark, but she's been manipulated by Opaline since she was just a filly who was saved by her. Opaline truly is a narcist, with a psychotic mentality who will do anything to get what she wants, even if it means using someone for her own gain. Truly heartbreaking, along with seeing Misty sobbing in her room. The poor kid is living in an abusive household and being led astray from being put on the good path. I just hope somepony, maybe even Sunny and her friends will figure out what Misty's true objectives are in the next season for the series.

Only saw the first episode. In real life, I'm still a closet brony, and do not want this appearing on the Netflix account's history. At least with the special, I wasn't missing much, so I'm hoping the episodes make their way onto YouTube in good time.

Chapter 2 is a big jump in quality from chapter 1.

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