• Member Since 5th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2022


Celestia and Luna's royal bard. Nature is my God, Art is my religion, Love is the Law. Concordia Invictus

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  • 107 weeks
    Three Kings (Short Story)

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Honest question · 4:22pm Jul 22nd, 2022

Does Twilight's school being non-accredited affect the student's future careers?

Report RoyalBardofCanterlot · 168 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Yes, as it being non-accredited means no licensed educator would risk there credibility by working their and they would be left with untrained teachers. Because of this no company would acknowledge their certifications because they are unreliable. Therefore all students basically waste their time in Twilight's school and will have to redo their tuition at an accredited school if their career wish needs it.

Pretty sure this was rectified offscreen after "School Raze"

I would counter that by saying that in a land of magic and jobs that make little sense, I'd say no. Here's my reasoning. There really is no major career path that would really prevent someone from that school from getting a job. Most ponies have obscure jobs and titles that, to be honest wouldn’t cut in the real world.
I mean, just those with the jobs at the school already, Trixie as a Counselor, Starlight as the Principal and Sunburst as a teacher. You need years of school to do any of that yet none of them did so. Twilight just gave them a job and that was it. How? How can they teach if one was a former super villian and the other was a show mare. Same with mane six who teach there but have no prior experience. I'm honestly more surprised that Cheerlie is not hired on as a staff member.
Next Twilight got random strangers to teach( Dr Hooves, Big Mac, Octavia, etc) all who have no experience yet they managed to get a job with no prior courses???

Lastly I would argue that if your special talent is to do something great with and for other career job employers see you doing a good job, they might just hire you on. I could also ad that the young six(minus Sandbar) could be treated as foreign exchange students or ambassadors(I think this was cannon) and their career choices wouldn't be affected. Especially since they helped save the bloody world. Anyone who'd deny them, wouldn’t look good to the rest of the world.

In truth, nothing makes sense about the education system in Equestria outside of basic math, English and perhaps history.

I wouldn't think so considering the jobs and Equestria on exactly normal and a lot of them are done with magic. I think you need a degree in baking or farming or being a noble.

In our world, yes, in Equestria... well it's a show set up to sell minature pascul colored equines, with talking animals, and a dragon no more than three feet from any on the main characters... so if you are asking that kind of question, then you haven't bought the premise.


[W]ell it's a show set up to sell minature miniature pascul pastel colored equines, with talking animals, and a dragon no more than three feet from any on the main characters... [...] you haven't bought the premise.

We're talking in-universe, though.
The out-of-universe knowledge of that universe, and reasons for it existing, are kinda irrelevant.

There are two kinds of people, those that can come to a reasonable and often correct conclusion based on incomplete data...

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