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  • 15 weeks
    Slight Delays With Content

    I have returned to working 60 to 70 hours a week, so there will be delays on chapters. I just wanted to give a heads-up.

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  • 23 weeks
    Other Content

    I do plan things out far ahead time, and do have a sequel story to this one in the works, although it is another sequel that could stand alone. Figured I would give a preview of what might be in that story.

    I sat down in my seat, barely able to contain my excitement. I got a few strange looks from the students near me, but I didn't care I was here! 

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  • 23 weeks
    Character Alignments

    We have some more D&D alignments! Remember, evil doesn't mean haha-bad guy, it means they do things for selfish reasons with little or no concern for others.

    Jessica Middleton: Neutral Good
    Jordan Gilmore- Neutral Good
    Charlotte Martinez: Lawful Good
    Arachne Phobia Lamp: Neutral Evil
    Nightmare Moon (Phobia Remedy's son): True Neutral
    Tempest Shadow Smith: Neutral Good

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  • 26 weeks
    You Decide

    Not the most exciting you decide ever, but I'm honestly lost on what to include here. Wild Growth is in a Senate Committee Meeting....what Senate Committee is this and what are they discussing? It's 2043, you decide the issues. Give me your best suggestions.

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  • 26 weeks
    Worth Talking About

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Backstory Aid · 11:43pm May 4th, 2022

Hi, everybody! Halira here. This isn't a chapter update, just giving everyone a tool to help navigate all the lore that goes into this story. There is a lot of backstory, and I'm going to try to condense things down a bit to help people out. I will give a year and then give bullet points saying major events that happened that year in order of occurrence. If you already read this at the start of the story, then skip on to the next chapter, or you can take time to refresh yourself on past events.

Sometime before 2003:

  • Sunset Shimmer becomes convinced after talks with her friend, the sear Star Singer, that the only way to properly ensure the safety of Equestria from threats is to get more ponies. Does not think the Elements of Harmony are real, and if they are, are not an effective defense. Begins plans on how to convert other species to ponies. 


  • Sunset Shimmer flees to Earth after an attempt to convert griffins to ponies in Equestria. 
  • Sunset Shimmer is found disguised as a little girl in Afghanistan by a US soldier. Goes to Lazy Pines, Colorado and begins a new plan for concerning converting humans to ponies. 
  • Celestia memory wipes all things related to Sunset Shimmer from the minds of ponies and griffins. 

Period between 2004-2023, exact dates unknown:

  • Sunset Shimmer experiments with magic on Earth. Messes with the mind of soldier who had found her and he gets paranoid and delusional. 
  • Sunset Shimmer accidentally unleashes a tornado in Lazy Pines, helps rescue the Tanner sisters who are almost killed by it. Wipes memory of the incident from younger Tanner sister's mind. 
  • Sunset Shimmer conducts experiments on a young girl named Josie Woods.

2023 (very busy year):

  • Sunset Shimmer unleashes the ETS virus.It is a strain of flu that has been amplified and carries the transformation spell. Ground zero is a small town of Lazy Pines, Colorado but quickly spreads throughout the USA and into other countries.
  • Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer discover a portal from Equestria to Earth used by Sunset Shimmer. They also discover the truth of Celestia's mind wipe. The two journey to Earth. 
  • Josie Woods begins spreading a vision in the dream realm of a utopian pony works to freshly transformed ponies. 
  • Star Singer has a vision of the Devourers destroying Earth. 
  • Twilight Sparkle meets Triss.
  • With the assistance of Triss and the human governments, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer are able to come up with a plan to stop ETS virus. Sunset Shimmer dies during an escape attempt, shot by the US military. 
  • Luna journeys to Earth and is overwhelmed by the sheer number of dreamers. Feel the dream realm is forming a primordial dream warden which may be dangerous. Decides to appoint six Dreamwardens to stop formation of primordial warden and to help protect the large number of minds. 
  • Sunset Blessing gains government backing in South Carolina due to her strong influence and organization skills, and her willingness to back government mandates and get ponies onboard with them.
  • New factions appear among ponies– the Shimmerists who believe everyone should become a pony, the Harmonists who believe everyone should be governed by the five tenets of Harmony, the Lunites who believe humans and ponies can work together.
  • Ponies in South Carolina are relocated to the town of Riverview. Riverview is put under Sunset Blessing's administration and given funding. 
  • Phobia Remedy is raped.
  • Rehumanization for ponies that wish it begins. Jennifer Tanner (the younger Tanner sister) rehumanizes. Rehumanization clinics open.
  • Sha'am Maut's reign of terror over the night pony tribe (in universe name for bat ponies) begins. Sha'am Maut tortures night ponies in their dreams to ensure obedience to the rules and fear of the Dreamwardens. Dreamwardens are not known at this time to those outside the night pony tribe. 
  • Tonya Middleton attempts to use mind magic to make someone else murder the rapist of Phobia Remedy. 
  • Shadow Dancer stands trial before the Dreamwardens. Trial is observed by Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. Beginning of the secret trials of the Dreamwardens.
  • Tonya Middleton stands trial before the Dreamwardens. Sha'am Maut strikes a bargain with Sunset Blessing to ensure Tonya gets off with a not guilty verdict.
  • Josie Woods's friends are tortured in front of her repeatedly by Sha'am Maut to coerce her into stopping her visions. Josie relents. 
  • A pony named Night Song is tortured by Sha'am Maut for failing to properly word the way he talks to Sha'am Maut. Night Song chooses to rehumanize and develops a blinding hatred of ponies. 
  • Permanent transformation magic is banned on Earth with the exception of rehumanization.
  • First signs of human magic begin to appear among some of the rehumanized.
  • Secret cabal within the US government develop a plan to try to force rehumanization and make strip ponies of their rights. The individual formally known as Night Song is recruited to spread unease among ponies and help incite violence between ponies and humans. 
  • Equestrian nobility develop plan to try to annex western USA as a protectorate of Equestria.
  • Attempt to kidnap Jennifer Tanner by the US government to force her to use her powers for them fails. 
  • Jennifer Tanner begins speaking with the Narrative. Narrative reveals itself to be the will and voice of the Story– our equivalent of Harmony.
  • Conspiracies within the US government and Equestrian nobility are revealed and conspirators brought to trial. 
  • First thaumically active non-organic material created on Earth by Bob the Unicorn. 
  • Sha'am Maut is censored by the other Dreamwardens, bringing her reign of terror to an end. Luna and the Dreamwardens plead with her to retire to Equestria, promising no punishment and a comfortable life, but Sha'am Maut refuses. 
  • Dreamwardens reach out to the government to assist in combating mind magic abusers. Government begins making plans on how to introduce the world to the Dreamwardens. 
  • End of the Dreamwarden secret trials. 


  • Sha'am Maut dies of old age, but her spirit persists in the dream realm.


  • Sunset Blessing is hit with a stray broken time-travel spell by one of her researchers. Obtains a live sample of ETS virus. 
  • Dreamwardens are made known to the public. Some protests against the Dreamwardens begin. 


  • Sunset Blessing completes her temporary transformation spell and markets it as a medical treatment. 
  • Increased protests against Sunset Blessing's temporary transformation spell, Shimmerists, and the Dreamwardens. Riverview is engulfed in mass protest. 
  • Jessica Middleton presents ideas about nature of thaumic energy within the realm of physics. Phobia Remedy, reviewing this, realizes that Devourers will reach Earth much sooner than originally expected. 
  • Genocide of ponies in Morrocco. Death of the Warden of Anger, Ghadab, who was among those caught in the genocide. Ghadab persists in the dream realm. Genocide is broadcast on news stations and additional protests are sparked. Protests in Riverview become violent.
  • Poly Glot, an imprisoned mad researcher of Sunset Blessing's, escapes cell and unleashes a gas throughout research facility (the Bastion) that causes temporary transformation. Attempts to seize the Chrorus, an experimental power source based off the Crystal Heart, with the intent of causing widespread chaos and war between ponies and humans.
  • Twilight Sparkle encases the Bastion in a magic shield. Sunset Blessing orders evacuation of Riverview.
  • Tonya Middleton accepts offer to become Dreamwarden and activates a proto-Devourer within the Bastion with the intent of destroying the Chorus before it can be used. The Bastion explodes. Death of Tonya Middleton, but she persists in the dream realm. Takes the name Arbiter, Warden of Song.
  • Sha'am Maut binds herself in the eternal dream forever unable to interact with others again. 
  • Explosion of Bastion is too much for Twilight Sparkle's shield to contain. Wild Growth summons all her power to reinforce the shield with a line of massive trees closely packed together. Shield fails, earthquakes hit Riverview, completely leveling the pony district. Wild Growth regrows trees as fast as they are burned and destroyed. Fire rains from the sky. Wild Growth sees the ethereal realm, but has a miscarriage. Shock of miscarriage stops Wild Growth's efforts and causes her to collapse. Suffers magic burnout, making her unable to channel her magic forevermore. 
  • Jessica Middleton falls from one of the trees made by Wild Growth, sustains mortal injuries.
  • Sunset Blessing issues the Blessing Letter, calling for Shimmerists to cease focus on turning others to ponies and instead focus on bringing magic to all. Sunset Blessing arrested for her involvement in the disaster in Riverview (later called the Cataclysm of Riverview).
  • Jessica Middleton is humanized to save her life, but rehumanization leaves her in a partial state.
  • Sunset Blessing is pardoned by the US government so none of their involvement with her can be brought to light during trial. Sunset Blessing formally denounces Shimmerism. 


  • Blessingists break from Shimmerists, following the ideas laid out in Blessing Letter. Form a new faction. Shimmerists denounce Sunset Blessing as a heretic. China begins inciting radicals among Shimmerists to attack Sunset Blessing and try to kill her after their Storyteller says Sunset Blessing is a threat to their long-term goals. 
  • Yinyu Wu Yan, Warden of Lust, dies trying to flee China after her foals were threatened. Her spirit persists in the dream realm. Yinyu's foals are given into the care of Sunset Blessing at Yinyu's insistence. 
  • Sunset Blessing and Yinyu's foals move into Wabash Manor. 
  • Chinese funded radicals foalnap one of the foals under Sunset Blessing's care. Sunset Blessing gives chase and is captured. 
  • Sunset Blessing escapes and kills the leader of the radicals who foalnapped the foal. She receives severe burns in the process, including a permanent scar to neck and shoulder. 
  • Sunset Blessing formally adopts Yinyu's foals.


  • Krik, Warden of Silence, retires to Equestria. Takes Jimsonweed under his care. Warden of Order appointed on Earth as his replacement. Warden of Order's true identity is kept secret for safety reasons. 
  • Birth of Moses the Necromancer, reincarnation of Sha'am Maut. Moses rescued from a war zone in central Asia and brought to the United States along with his blind caretaker. 


  • Psychic Calm, Warden of Peace, announces his intention to retire to Equestria. Rebecca Riddle and other candidates to become new Dreamwarden go to Equestria for a tour. 
  • Psychic Calm retires. Rebecca Riddle appointed replacement. Takes the title of The Marshmallow, Warden of Creativity. Identity is kept secret. 


  • Rebecca Riddle marries a human and changes name to Rebecca Rice


  • Sunset Blessing's workshop in Wabash Manor is raided and radicals use time-travel spell to go back to 1986 with intent to kill the younger version of her, but secretly trying to lure her to a place she is more vulnerable. Sunset Blessing gives chase. 
  • Sunset Blessing returns home to her own time, bringing the younger version of herself and family with her. Triss gives Sunset Blessing increased power and secretly grants power to her younger version, Charlotte. 
  • Radicals shoot Andrea. 
  • Luster Dawn botches transformation spell on Andrea, leaving her in centaur form.


  • Krik, former Warden of Silence, dies in Equestria of old age. His spirit does not persist.


  • Cadence gives full governing powers of Crystal Empire to Flurry Heart. Cadence takes on a full ambassador role. 


  • Psychic Calm, previously Warden of Peace, dies of old age in Equestria. His spirit does not persist. 


  • Warden of Order retires to Equestria. Warden of Sorrow is appointed as a replacement. Identity of the new warden is kept a secret. 

2058: Current events of story. 

I hope this helps!

Report Halira · 212 views · Story: A Shadow of Myself ·
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