• Member Since 19th Jul, 2017
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More Blog Posts4

  • 105 weeks
    Five years in FiM fiction

    So… this account has turned 5 years old today, being created on wednesday 19th of july 2017. 

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  • 126 weeks
    This Fic is NOT Death

    * Awkward wave * … H-hi

    So… I was checking and I just realised that this last monday marks a year since the last update for this fic (so much for “is almost finished”) :twilightblush:

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  • 358 weeks
    My thoughts on: Daring Done

    Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx


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  • 360 weeks
    My thoughts on: Triple Threat

    Through the gates of hell
    As we make our way to heaven
    Through the the Nazi lines A SPIKE EPISODE
    Primo Victoria!!!!!

    Song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QZm4zseMok0



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This Fic is NOT Death · 10:21pm Feb 24th, 2022

* Awkward wave * … H-hi

So… I was checking and I just realised that this last monday marks a year since the last update for this fic (so much for “is almost finished”) :twilightblush:

Now, this blog post is just to let you guys know that this story isn’t dead. I have been trying to get this chapter out for a while, but it has been suffering a bad episode of “writer's block” and a few deletions and resets of big parts of the text. 

However, I didn’t stop writing MLP fics, as I managed to get a few one shots out and start a new long fic with 2 “crack-ships”, something that actually help me overcome the writers block, allowing me to return to this fic more fresh at the beginning of the month.

Hopefully I will be able to get part 3 of chapter XI out during march, and it will be a juicy chapter, as it will probably be around 10K worlds long, and would include some interesting details behind Arceus’s story. As for future plans, chapter XIII would probably be the last slow chapter, as I have big plans for chapter XIV (when it comes out in 2025 XD … T_T) onwards.

I can’t apologise enough for taking so long to update, I can only promise you that I will finish this fic. Now I leave you to continue writing, but not before giving you a very short extract of the next chapter:

“I think I forgot to tell you that Cadence can be a bit overreaching at times,” Celestia commented, interumping Cadence.

“Aunty!” Cadence exclaimed with indignation while turning to see Celestia.

“Though, Cadence is still right about one thing, you never explained to me where your ospring came from, you just said it was ‘complicated’.” Celestia added, she might be willing to interrupt the awkwardness but she still wanted answers.

Arceus turned to see Celestia, who winked at him. “Well, I did promise you to explain ‘where my family came from’.” He answered, remembering how when the 2 were making their way to the castle for the first time, where Celestia made a few questions regarding the ‘mothers’ of his sons and daughters.

Arceus began to pour himself a glass of water using his letechinesis. “Before I begin, please keep in mind that this might be a bit confusing for you, I would try to keep it simple and explain everything as I go along.” He then took a few sips of the water before starting his explanation.

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