• Member Since 19th Jul, 2017
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More Blog Posts4

  • 105 weeks
    Five years in FiM fiction

    So… this account has turned 5 years old today, being created on wednesday 19th of july 2017. 

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  • 126 weeks
    This Fic is NOT Death

    * Awkward wave * … H-hi

    So… I was checking and I just realised that this last monday marks a year since the last update for this fic (so much for “is almost finished”) :twilightblush:

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  • 358 weeks
    My thoughts on: Daring Done

    Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx Sphinx


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  • 360 weeks
    My thoughts on: Triple Threat

    Through the gates of hell
    As we make our way to heaven
    Through the the Nazi lines A SPIKE EPISODE
    Primo Victoria!!!!!

    Song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QZm4zseMok0



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Five years in FiM fiction · 2:04am Jul 20th, 2022

So… this account has turned 5 years old today, being created on wednesday 19th of july 2017. 

I’ll be honest, this account was the result of my reinterest in Friendship is Magic, as I hadn't followed the show since the half-season hiatus of season 5 all the way back in 2015. The account first started to show my support to the fanfic “A New World, a New Way ” and wait for a new chapter. If you go to my favourites you can see that it was the first fic I added to my library, beating the famous My Little Dashie. The first fic I even knew of, and the one that opened my eyes to the world of fanfiction all the way back in 2012.

After that, seeing as I had some “experience” writing in english on the World of Tanks Blitz forum -I say “experience as to be honest, it was god damn awful-. I decided to take a crack at writing my thoughts on the episodes of season 7. Starting the “review” with a joke before going into what I thought. As you can see I ended up dropping the idea quite soon, and only 2 of the 3 blogs I wrote remain, and only the starting joke of those 2 as to be honest, my thoughts were quite horrible to read. The growing pains of learning to write in a foren language I suppose.

Finally, in the second half of 2018. Now in university and using a crappy 10 year old notebook laptop, and without access to the WoT Blitz forum as my university had blocked access to any webpage with the .game domain on it. I decided to take a crack at writing a fic with a pairing I never saw much of Celestia X Arceus. Starting that way my first fanfic in english: “A Love Beyond Worlds”. 

The rest is pretty much history. I'm improving my writing skills, and I have had a lot of ideas for fics beyond the MLP FiM fandom, though most of them still remain on the inker. I even started using Discord to chill and chat with other authors or just people online.

As you can probably tell, this blog is not some grand celebration of a milestone. It is an important date for sure. However, I feel as if the day the first chapter of “A Love Beyond Worlds” was published is the day this profile was truly born. Or when I begang to leave comments in fics I love.

To be honest, I sort of regret not starting to write or even make an account soner, as I had more freetime back then. But then again, my writing would have probably been even worse when I started on the WoT Blitz forums.

Whatever the case might be, I have enjoyed this past 5 years. The community here on FiM Fiction has been nothing but welcoming and positive. And I honestly can’t wait to spend more time reading the amazing (or crazy and wacky) fics that are shared here. :twilightsmile:

Take care, and have a wonderful time :)

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