• Member Since 25th Jun, 2014
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Dice Warwick

Dislexic tring to wright storys, makes gammer natzie eyes bleed.


Chapter 3 of, A Wastelander Tale, is up. and a bit of Fo:E lore I came up with returns. · 3:06pm Jan 14th, 2022


So the story continues, and I wright more of it, no brakes so far, but I'll need to slow down to self edit and re-read a thrid time. There has been some edits to fit earlier chapters in with the later, (yay for being well over 30 chapters in already) so I do hope it make this region of Equestria more fleshed out. But at some point I really need to hunker down and get to the re-reading, as I don't see much major editing happening for now. maybe. As for the story, I'm getting through a rest ark where Lottery is getting some much needed recovery, though there has been some strong hints that the raiders left her with more then just scars. That said, she will do drugs and fight a bear. if you get the reference.

That said, if you follow the link to my Deviant art page, it has a bunch of lore I threw together, based on lore I made like a year ago I think. It's basically the iconic guns of the Equestrian Zebra war, for the ponies, and the corporations that made them. at some point I might just do the corporations themselves, rely expend upon them. But in essence, there were several compoonies at the start that helped. "Griffionstone Mechanics" "Colt Manufacturing" and "Windchester" but when the Ministries took over, "Ironshod" used the apple family connections to take all the weapons contracts and push the compition out. Colt simply faided, GM survived, but split between macanics and smugglers, and the Windchester family just left equestria in disgust. I also Have Gabby deeply involved in weapons development, as she would not just be able to help, but be a major asset.

Side note, this time I based the IF-9 on the combat shotgun from fallout 3, and had it a utter clusterfuck of a gun. and is still hated by ponies 200 years later... so no wonder Velvet ends up using one. XP

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