I'm Back! Tale of the Second Alpha is back on. For now. · 4:29am Nov 29th, 2021
Really, I never left, I just stopped writing. Both because due to my job cutting into my time, even during Covid I still worked, and me simply no longer being interested in writing the story following what caused me to leave the fandom in the first place. Something which I won't go into here. I still don't consider myself a brony anymore, I stopped watching the show the Season 7 premiere and never watched it again, but I do still engage in some pony content from time to time. Either it being here on Fimfiction or on Derpibooru.
But, now for the topic at hand. I am back to writing Tale of the Second Alpha again. I actually tried to write it again a year or so ago but just couldn't find the motivation after so long of being away from it. But now I do. For now. I also planned on completely scrapping it and rewriting it again after I reread many of the older chapters and cringed at my early writing. But I just couldn't find a way of starting in order to do it all over again.
Now, I can't guarantee when the next chapter will be released. I literally just started writing Chapter 61 early today, but I am committed to finishing at least this one. The chapter is currently just under 1,000 words right now but I haven't even finished the opening scene yet, so it is far from being complete. You can check my progress on my profile page where I will regularly (hopefully) update how far long I believe the chapter is at that particular moment. Hopefully, by the end of the year I will actually be able to finish it, but no promises. I also can't guarantee that after this chapter there will be a Chapter 62. I'm not saying this to dash any of your hopes. I am just saying it to be honest if you all. I haven't written anything major in almost four years... Jesus has it really been that long Damn!
Anyway, I am back, and hopefully, I will be able to stay and continue writing until Tale of the Second Alpha is finished. But again, I am making no promises.
Cool! Are you going to keep the Shadow Hive and Zulu in the story?
Yes, I will continue the story from where I left off. Even when I was planning on scrapping the story entirely and rewriting it from scratch Zulu and the hive was still going to be included. Though different. Zulu was going to be changed to female and named Shade for example. Those are only a few of the ideas I had for it. I can't guarantee if any of my ideas for the scrapped rewrite won't end up in any future chapters either it being intentional or not.
Ok, good to know!