• Member Since 10th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Saturday

Miller Minus

Cherish the thought.

More Blog Posts22

  • 41 weeks
    Party in my head and you're invited

    Two years ago, I wrote Catch Us If You Can and entered it into Bicyclette’s inaugural M/M shipping contest, and when the results came out, I was met with some of the kindest things anybody has ever said about my writing. The quote that sticks out to me the most is this breath-catching claim from Bike themselves:

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    7 comments · 248 views
  • 103 weeks

    4 comments · 207 views
  • 130 weeks
    Pillow Talk II

    “Um… Greetings? Dr. Fauna?”

    “Who’s there? Oh! Come in, come in, Your Highness. Sorry, it’s a bit of a zoo in here! But it can’t be as bad as out there, I’m sure. Hey! Don’t eat her tail…”

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    5 comments · 256 views
  • 148 weeks
    Birdcast - Ask me tricky questions and listen to me flounder LIVE 1/8/22!


    I've been invited on the barcast this weekend to answer some pressing questions, and if you have some of your own, you can ask me over in this thread. Either serious writing questions, or shitposts, whichever pleases.

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    2 comments · 278 views
  • 157 weeks
    is it too late for me to say (hey i'm back and i missed you)

    To fans of the tagged story below, and of the dastardly villain above, I have a new story coming out tomorrow--a sequel to said tagged story.

    Not all of it is coming out tomorrow, but by the end of the week it will be finished. It's an entry to a contest, you see. I hope you enjoy.

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    5 comments · 389 views

is it too late for me to say (hey i'm back and i missed you) · 9:58pm Nov 6th, 2021

To fans of the tagged story below, and of the dastardly villain above, I have a new story coming out tomorrow--a sequel to said tagged story.

Not all of it is coming out tomorrow, but by the end of the week it will be finished. It's an entry to a contest, you see. I hope you enjoy.

To my followers, a short update after the break:

this is for you

Hey, sooooooo I'm back. And I'm writing again. And it feels good, you know?

I wanted to thank the people who read and/or commented on the couple stories (and the two blog posts) I've posted since August. I've been meaning to respond and thank the commenters individually, but I hesitate because, while I am "back", I'm still not sure how I want to "use" fimfiction again, so to speak. But I'll tuck it away in this blog post where the really dedicated can see it: Thank you. Your support means so much.

I had plans to write three more stories before the end of the year--a M/M romance, a M/F romance, and a F/F romance, because I seem to have romance on the brain lately--as well as a Jinglemas entry. I expect two of those romances will be pushed to the new year. But I'm reasonably confident that they will happen, along with many more stories of all kinds to come.

It feels good to be writing again. I've already said that. I guess I'm repeating it for the same reason people pinch themselves.

All my love and I'll see you soon.


Report Miller Minus · 389 views · Story: A House for the Holidays ·
Comments ( 5 )

the future is hype and so am i

If I haven't already, allow me to take this opportunity to officially say "Welcome back!" You'll be happy to know I'm still as woefully unproductive as ever.

Quips aside, best of luck with your stories!

A sequel to one of my favorite Christmas stories? Perfect.

:heart::heart::heart: glad you're good, homie :heart::heart::heart:

My favorite bird! Stay well, Miller <3

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