Birdcast - Ask me tricky questions and listen to me flounder LIVE 1/8/22! · 1:27am Jan 4th, 2022
I've been invited on the barcast this weekend to answer some pressing questions, and if you have some of your own, you can ask me over in this thread. Either serious writing questions, or shitposts, whichever pleases.
And if you have a free Saturday evening*, I understand you can listen in as well. I could probably find that link for you too, but I'm sure you're all resourceful enough to find it on your own.
That's all. Double big happy new year I'll see you all soon.
I'll just be over here.
*7 - 9 pm EST, which is only "evening" if you're in one of the self-centered timezones, like me.
Now that I think about it it's kind of revealing that I gave you the link to the questions thread and not the link for the show itself.
Please, ask me questions, but for God's sake don't listen to me respond. I don't want anyone to hear me except for the uncaring void because I at least know what He's about.
Hope to see you there.
If it doesn't get asked because I probably posted this after the fact: why are you so darned adorable?