• Member Since 3rd May, 2021
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2023

Skai Shine


More Blog Posts5

  • 159 weeks
    Geodes Reveal and Why Haywire Exists

    In Haywire, Chapter 1 Starlight and Twilight head deeper into the castle after a third of a dark, evil Shadow spirit. Twilight and Starlight head nowhere else but Canterlot High, after the Shadow who dives through the mirror portal to this other world. I have lots of plans for both episodic releases of both the Haywire series and Geodes(the EQG equivalent) as I wanted three things: An

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  • 161 weeks
    Haywire Story Premiere

    Haywire: Volume 1, Arc 1 Begins this Saturday, 6/26!

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  • 164 weeks
    Haywire: Pride Month Sexuality Reveals

    For Pride Month, I thought it'd also be fun to reveal the sexualities of the Elements, which is how I'm gonna refer to the main crew rather than the Mane 6 given that I'm calling Twilight and her friends the Mane 6(Also, one more time even though it was in my last blog, the Mane 6 are still gonna be important characters in Haywire)

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  • 164 weeks
    Haywire: Pride Month Teasers

    Hey there! I’m here to say that progress on the main Haywire story is underway. And let me tell you… Some big things are to come. Just a little teaser to expect before I start with everything else I wanted to say: Expect that, like Onyx being a byproduct of Starlight and Twilight’s dip in the past, expect a lot of unexpected consequences from many other events the Mane 6 have taken on. But

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  • 165 weeks
    The New Elements, and Haywire Updates

    Featured in Haywire: Origins, alongside Starlight Glimmer, is five new characters central to the story of Haywire: Origins and the upcoming Haywire.

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Haywire: Pride Month Sexuality Reveals · 7:45pm Jun 4th, 2021

For Pride Month, I thought it'd also be fun to reveal the sexualities of the Elements, which is how I'm gonna refer to the main crew rather than the Mane 6 given that I'm calling Twilight and her friends the Mane 6(Also, one more time even though it was in my last blog, the Mane 6 are still gonna be important characters in Haywire)

NOTE: Starlight's sexuality is pure speculation given her actions in Friendship is Magic. This is merely my perception, and not only are you free to have your own view, the show staff might have a different one as well.

Starlight Glimmer - A Pansexual Magic Master(Pan is attraction regardless of gender)

Skai Shine - Little Gay Pink Unicorn-Shaped Puffball(MLM or Men Loving Men attraction.)

Burnt "Ash" Apple - Chaotic Bisexual Colt(Bi is attraction to more than one gender)

Rosegarden Shine - Demisexual Softie(Demi is attraction based on relationship, or they have to have the right connection with the pony to have attraction)

Crimson - Adorable Sapphic Bug (Sapphic/Lesbian meaning a femslash or female on female attraction)

Onyx Moonbow - Pan softie(Like Starlight, Pansexual as in attraction regardless of gender)

None of the sexualities are explicitly stated in Haywire, and for obvious reasons. However, the emotions are real. I really want to show an evolution of their life as the story goes on, and which not only these six are going to find romantic attractions, I have plans for the Mane 6 and beyond as well.

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