• Member Since 18th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Well, this a fan of MLP who has just started to watch the show. And I like what I see!

More Blog Posts170

  • 107 weeks
    Good news everyone!

    Chapter Six is nearly done and should be up by the end of the week. It will not be especially long, but it will be up by Friday night at the very latest!

    1 comments · 241 views
  • 139 weeks
    A future story on the drafting board

    This is a story idea that I thought about years ago that has recently been kicking around the back of my head for a few days now and I think after World and Moon Together is finished, I might take a crack at it.

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    3 comments · 419 views
  • 153 weeks
    The direction of A Moon and World Together

    To our readers, Anon and I have come to a point in the planning where we are divided in how to take the direction of the story. There are plans to take the story, in the last arc, in a much more dramatic manner that will involve us adding the violence tag, among other things. However, as Anon has pointed out, while this story was inspired by the Thousand Year Change and the general

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    6 comments · 585 views
  • 171 weeks
    Honestly touched.

    As the blog states, I am touched and gobsmacked by the sheer number of likes and favs you are giving me so far. Thank you all so much for the love so far and I hope that I can meet your expectations.

    Again, thank you all.

    0 comments · 261 views
  • 171 weeks
    A new story soon to drop

    As the title suggest, Anon and I are working on a new story for our Powers multiverse. We hope to have the first chapter by the end of the week for you guys.

    1 comments · 223 views

Update incoming. · 8:48pm Mar 27th, 2021

It's been some time since I've done much to anything here so let me say hi everyone and I hope everyone is keeping relatively sane and healthy. For the last while, Anon and I have been looking over the Doa-verse and we begun to find mistakes we missed the first time around. This will include some minor touches up as well as possible rewrites as we go on and reexamine our work.

Hope to give you guys some stories soonish.


Report Evilhumour · 188 views · Story: Escape from the Moon ·
Comments ( 1 )

Well, I'm staying healthy at least... my sanity however :pinkiecrazy:

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