What to do... · 5:43pm Nov 19th, 2020
Hey, everyone. Today, I will be trimming my published stories, in order to make room for new ones in the future. This might seem abrupt, but some of the stories I have on site, such as Lost in the Tides, Hunters and Hunted, and Rising from the Flame, are no longer capturing my interest, and I have newer projects I need to focus on.
There are other reasons for this decision based on each story, which I will list here.
Lost in the Tides - I no longer play For Honor, and it seemed like it would never go anywhere based on the plot I had developing. Also, it was just not as enticing to keep writing updates for a story related to a game that had little canon to go off of, canon I could adapt.
Assassinverse - Hunters and Hunted - Completely out of date canonically and seeing as the Assassinverse is being rebooted from the ground up by its creator, Rated Ponystar, it seemed logical. Also, it had too much going on at one time, and I also think it diverged too much from The Division's lore based around new knowledge from The Division 2 about the origins of the Hunters.
Rising from the Flame - This is one I am sorry about, because it had so much potential. But I wasted it by not developing that potential further, and quite frankly, it was too much to handle on my end, seeing it in my Google Drive and feeling like I couldn't do anything with it. Also, compared to where I am now as a writer, it felt sloppily created and written.
I hate to say goodbye to these stories, but I felt I needed to in order to get new stuff growing in the garden of ideas that is my mind, so to speak.
Gardening references aside, I have new stories planned to take their places. The first is a Mass Effect series crossover, with more to follow.
Thanks for reading, and thanks again for understanding.
Just because there's a rewrite of Assasinverse going on, doesn't mean you have to stop writing Hunters and Hunted.
I know. But I felt it was right.
Do what you must.
I only desire a Sea of Thieves crossover with Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity as pirates.
And Spike as a monkey.
On a serious note, if you're not feeling inspired in regards to the old, then send it out to pasture to make room for the new.
Fair enough.
What about some of your other stories?
Those are staying. The only ones that have been deleted are the ones mentioned here.