Warriors of Chaos potential change · 4:10am Oct 11th, 2020
So me and my Co Writer have been discussing a few things regarding the reboot, and I have decided that instead of just doing it and risking the consequences, I’d instead ask you, readers. So that’s what I’m doing.
We are considering making a change to the story. Instead of Ponies, the residents of Equestria would be humans. Granted, mutated slightly to fit the races, but they’d be human.
We’re considering this for several reasons, one of which being that it would make combat a bit... easier to write. It would increase the variety of how combatants fight, and the variety of weapons used by the Equestrians. And it’ll make some fights less... simple. Like, a pony with a spear without magic would only really be able to stab with it. A human can do all sorts of things with it.
If we stay with the Ponies, then they’ll be the lovable ponies we know and love, but stuck in a reality of civil war.
I feel this is a decision I should run by with my readers before choosing, so that’s what I’ve done
I’d say go with it, i never see ponies as the fighting types unless they’re athro but I believe having them be human is a good choice in my opinion.
I'm very against it. I avoid anthro and human stories on the site like a plague, because I don't read here for humans or anthros, I read for ponies. So personally if you change the ponies in the story to anthros or humans, I'm just gonna drop it. That's just me personally, I can't speak for anyone else. I just can't get into anthro/human stories- or let me rephrase, it's rare that I get into human/anthro stories because it just doesn't interest me. I mean, I already know how humans and anthros are. I know how they work, move, I know the general gist of how they're gonna react - yes even ponies as humans/anthros, because it's the same basic structure and humanizing ponies generally involves the author changing their mannerisms and how they react to things as well. I prefer ponies because it's something different. Especially with HiE stories or stories where it's human-turned-pony, it's something different (ignoring the fact there's many stories like that on the site).
So, as said, in my personal opinion I'm against humanizing the ponies, and I have to say that if the change is made I'm probably going to drop the story.
This change does not convince me at all.
I mean, I've waited MONTHS for this story to progress and finally get to see Chaos Ponies, only for you to say this later?
Boy am I disappointed.
at the end it all come to you but i prefer their will be ponies.
for weapons it's really easy to come up with a way for ponies to use. for example not only spears but you can use halberds, they stab,they cut and they are longer then spears.
combat:you can do what i did in my story and use enchanted armor that allow none spell casters to use a limit amount of magic.
your story begins in a time that was more about war then the boring harmony in the show so you can think of many ways the ponies overcome the problems using weapons with their hooves
clearly you never saw the unstoppable power of warhammer fantasy halflings war ponies charge at their enemy.
I’m not saying ponies fighting can’t happen I’m just saying visually a human has more options for the writer to use.
the shepard0821 type series is a good place to start as it has 5 types of Pony ranging from regular to full Human and 3 different Anthro variations.
Aight my decision is made, we’ll be sticking with Ponies
If you're really confused about how to have ponies fight, look at other stories with ponies in combat. Their forelegs are quite articulate, they're able to hold weapons and they're able to act in a bipedal stance albeit temporarily if needed. Their mouths are quite capable of holding things as well, so they're definitely able to fight like Sif if need be.
That's for earth ponies of course, pegasi have more options. Their wings themselves can be used as weapons, and they have more options for holding things in their hooves as they can use their wings as counter-balance (temporarily still, but moreso than an earth pony). They also have their own weapons (aforementioned wings, via wingblades) and they're able to use weather as weapons.
Unicorns are self-explanatory, magical blasts and levitation to wield melee/ranged weaponry.
You also underestimate the Warp and it's fuckery. If ponies turn to Chaos, they can be granted the powers of the Warp (albeit limited) and that would allow even earth ponies and pegasi to use magic - albeit a different brand.