• Member Since 15th Jul, 2016
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The Golden Crane flies for Tarmon Gai'don.

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  • 22 weeks
    If I was in World War II They'd Call Me...

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    The big trailer for Genshin Impact's new land dropped today. The sixth land, Natlan, the nation of the God of War, ruler of the flames. And today we're seeing her for the first time...

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    2 comments · 59 views
  • 77 weeks
    I Wrote Another Non-Pony Story!

    Two ridiculously attractive lesbians meet and get flirty. One is boisterous and forthright, the other is cunning and lets nothing show. Both are leaders in their respective fields who always get what they want. Their lives are such that long-term compatibility is all but impossible, but they're both so strong-willed that they might just be able to make it work.

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  • 78 weeks
    Today I'm thinking about this story.

    Can't imagine why.

    EParty Loyalty
    Continuing to throw regular parties during a national lockdown is bad. It’s considerably worse when you’re the prime minister.
    forbloodysummer · 2.9k words  ·  30  6 · 502 views
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  • 102 weeks
    Story Notes: Kirin Luthiery

    If I tell you the author I was assigned for Jinglemas is the only fimfiction author I have a T-shirt bearing the name of, then that rather gives his identity away, doesn't it?


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  • 108 weeks
    If you could give any pony a Pixar movie deal...

    I know who I'd choose.

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Altius Volantis · 11:19am Jul 30th, 2020

In half an hour we launch the first thing to fly on Mars.

I think they should name her Spitfire.

Comments ( 4 )
Author Interviewer

Oh, is that what it is? :O I hadn't realized the significance!

5325559 It's a rover, carrying a little drone helicopter, which will be the first aircraft ever flown on another planet.

The rotors have to spin about ten times faster than they would on Earth, because the atmosphere is so thin. But the amount of ground we'll be able to cover from the air is exponentially bigger than with land-based rovers.

Author Interviewer
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