• Member Since 4th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 18th, 2014


More Blog Posts25

  • 550 weeks
    Getting off the ride

    As most of you probably realized from the title, I am indeed getting off the ride. With the exception of Starswirl Academy, I will be making no further pony content. No short stories, no long stories, no quests, nothing. I enjoyed my time as a fan of the show, but I'm moving on to other things.

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  • 559 weeks
    Every time I hear this I want to strangle someone

    For a good portion of my time as a pony fanfic writer (woah, doesn't that sound prestigious?) I was a reviewer as well. I still review some things, and still take questions from aspiring writers. One of the questions I hear, especially from newer writers, is thus:

    "Is it okay if I..."


    "But what if—"

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  • 568 weeks
    Arguing on the Internet

    I've decided to make this post not about writing specifically (though you can certainly apply this to writing) and instead focus on something else that you may find useful:

    How (I think) you should argue on the internet.

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  • 573 weeks
    Looking back and some thoughts on dialogue

    Greetings this fine Sunday morning. There are a couple things I want to talk about in this post. The first being a little self-reflection and the second being about something a bit more educational: dialogue.

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  • 574 weeks
    Writing Sex Scenes

    You want to give clop a shot, but don't have any idea where to start? Sure, writing a story is one thing, but getting really into the hot and heavy, especially when it isn't your thing, can be confusing or otherwise difficult. Fortunately, you follow my blog and here I'll give my thoughts on writing sex.

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So, about that thing I posted · 7:21pm Nov 22nd, 2012

Hello faithful readers. Here, have a piece of candy. What, you don't like Bit o' Honey? What's wrong with you?
om nom nom

*Serious face on*

It turns out, the reaction to chapter 2 of Purpledom was a tad more critical and negative than I expected. And it bothered me. I mean, I'm fine with people not liking the subject matter; some people just do not have the same kinks or sexual interests as others. I thought it was an interesting scene and I wrote it.

So after I saw the comments coming in about it, I started biting my nails furiously and shaking like I've been without drugs for days. At first, I didn't really know why these comments were getting to me. I've had my work criticized before. I'm a big boy; I can handle that. But this... I wanted to dive into the comments section right away and start defending myself and apologizing and yadda yadda, but I also knew that responding without giving myself adequate time to organize my thoughts would be a bad idea. So I stepped away from the whole thing, and tried to figure out why exactly this reaction was throwing me for a spin.

Here's what I eventually figured out: it bothers me that my writing made people uncomfortable when I did not intend it to. You come to this site to read fanfiction about ponies, not wonder whether or not Twilight just raped some poor sod. It bothers me that I must defend my work as having less literary merit than some of my readers expected it to. That's right: these first two chapters, way back when they were first written, were smut for the point of smut. I think some of the people who were following Purpledom first read Apples and expected me to be some deep, romantic writer. Or maybe you just saw the story tags and assumed I'd be diving straight into romance, not some screwed-up abusive relationship. Believe me, I have no misconceptions about Purpledom: Twilight is fucking crazy and I wouldn't touch that with a ten-foot pole. However, this is fiction.

Ultimately, I did decide to take some action. First, I changed the description of the story to warn potential readers. I do not want people walking into the story, expecting some cute back and forth between Twilight and a human, then realize, "Woah, woah, woah. I did NOT sign up for this." Second, this blog post.

For those of you unsure whether or not to continue reading: let me lay out what's happening with the story. Chapter 2 is as rape-y as it gets. Chapter 3 there will be a lot more level-headedness and dialogue between Twilight and the protagonist. Everything after that will be toned down. However, I do want to say that I'm not ashamed of what I wrote, and I won't be taking it easy on future smut scenes because I got some negative feedback here. This story will still feature other fetishes (slime, vore, member enlargement, domination, and whatever else my sick mind thinks up) BUT it will all be consensual and controlled.

Thanks for sticking with me as I get all my thoughts down.

For the people reading this and wondering where the hell my next chapter of Apples at Sunset is, here's my progress:

I'm definitely still working on it, I just had to write the last chapter first... if that makes any sense.

I learned last blog post that I shouldn't have three gifs in the same post because fimfic takes a while to load it. So I had to tone it down with the fun gif-ness. Here's my parting gift.

Report SmutAnon · 172 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Lol I feel if I find a story is not too my liking, then I just move on to another. I dislike it when I see people tearing apart someone's story just because they felt the subject matter was wrong or whatever... ITS FICTION DAMNIT! And as such, it is up to the writer to decide where to take it!

I personally would rather see a writer stick to his/her guns and write what they want to write, and not have them cave in to the whinings and pissy moans of the haters out there.

When I read a fanfiction of ANY genra, I want to read the story the writer wants to tell, and not something he/she was pressured into doing. Keep it how you want, and then I'll most likely enjoy it!

I liked the thing. Seriously, people who can't read a goddamn title or description, which was quite clear enough the first time around in my opinion.

Don't worry about people who get uselessly scandalized and vocal over fiction, their issues aren't worth acknowledging or getting drawn into.

And lastly, kudos and a thank 'e for not toning it down on account of whingers. Keep on with the smut! :rainbowwild:

Yeah, like some of the others have said, the title of the story is pretty descriptive. They knew what they were getting into. As for future chapters....

(slime, vore, member enlargement, domination, and whatever else my sick mind thinks up

Yes please. All of it. This needs to happen.

"However, I do want to say that I'm not ashamed of what I wrote, and I won't be taking it easy on future smut scenes because I got some negative feedback here."
Good for you! I dont know why people complain, I mean it isn't as if there's any shortage of non-mature romance fics on this site. Personally, I never dislike a fic simply because its not my thing, because that's unfair and biased. I only give my thumbs-down to things that are genuinely bad. I will admit that chapter 2 was a bit 'whoa' for me, but that doesn't mean it deserves angry rants about it.

I wish i could give this blog post a thumbs up. I'm not sure i'll like where you're going with the fetishes in the next chapter (though i've been surprised with myself in the past). Crazy extendo-dick and tongue was weird enough, but i'm glad you're going to write it anyway. It is fiction after all, people should write what they like and like what they write.

Yea, please, don't tone it down. I love the fic as it is originally and look forward to more awesome conversions. Good idea on the warning in the description. Srsly dude, reading this and your other posts, You are a pretty cool and level headed guy and I look forward to a wonderful Author/Reader relationship in the future.

I agree wholeheartedly. Well said indeed.

I have to say that chapter 2 was probably the weirdest chapter after reading all the other chapters.

527822 I ,for some reason, actually like to eat that.

First, I'd like to say I enjoyed the first two chapters. Second, I also agree with the rationale of their complaints. What happened to chapter two, if just read until there, would make a few wonder why the hell their lovable unicorn just basically raped the OC a new one.

Personally, I'm a bit fine with it because the story is incomplete. And it really helps when you mentioned the third chapter will have the two do a little talking. That way, it'll resolve the complaints of 'rape' and open doors for more 'kinky' chapters. . . which brings me to this point:

Don't tone it down just because of the negativity on chapter 2. That should have been expected, considering how it ended. Once the whole talk and a little relationship growth has been explored, go for it.

Go. For. It. :twilightsmile:

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