• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
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Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...

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PonyFest Online convention · 2:08am Apr 26th, 2020

I've been lurking on the Writing Room and enjoying the heck out of the con. Pick up your con badge here.

Report Georg · 319 views · #Convention
Comments ( 7 )

I've been watching most of the day. It's great to see and here so many friends!

Wish I could spend more time. Busy working this weekend. Have fun!

I hereby give you permission to corrupt people in my name.

5250367 Worse, somebody gave me the link to Digger (online webcomic) and that's like starting at the beginning of Schlock Mercenary and winding up at 3AM going "I'm not done! I can't stop!!"

(Oddly enough, I could swear I have a paper copy of Digger somewhere in my collection downstairs.)

5250362 Must... resist... inner... editor...

Sorry, it's been a long day!

Digger is great. It's also completed, so you don't have to worry about falling further behind the story. Ursula Vernon is wonderful in general.

Glad it sounds like you had a good time. :)

That's a mighty tome of a comic to get through.
But it's good stuff. As is Schlock.

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Similar humor & writing, loosely wrapped around Paintball.

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