• Member Since 13th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 16th, 2023


A reader and writer of MLP fanfic, when I'm not being a hot mess.

More Blog Posts5

  • 245 weeks
    Taking a break from Lost Student

    Hey all.

    The virus has hit me and my housemate pretty hard in the last week and I've been finding it impossible to write. Interactions with my editors have also been rather tense and I think rather than try and force more story out when I'm not in the right mindset I'd rather just take a break.

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    1 comments · 405 views
  • 248 weeks
    Lost Student Rework - Finally here!

    Hey everyone!

    So Lost student is finally back, new, improved and with a LOT more words. Unfortunately, I've start uploading the rework before we've reached the current place the story was at but I feel this is necessary because the story has been on hiatus for WAY too long already.

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    1 comments · 471 views
  • 263 weeks
    Lost Student Update, I promise it's not dead!

    It's me! I'm back...

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    2 comments · 304 views
  • 272 weeks
    More Lost Student Delays - An Apology

    Hey everyone,

    As people have probably noticed, Lost Student hasn't been updated for a while. This is due to a number of reasons. Mostly personal, a few not so much (like my cutting my palm open while cooking yesterday), and serious writer's block.

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    6 comments · 545 views
  • 281 weeks
    I'm sick! Lost Student delays.

    Hey everyone,

    So for the last few weeks, I've been suffering from a sore throat and inflamed tonsils that have been causing me some discomfort and mild pain. That progressed to a stomach bug recently and after going to the doctors they've given me some meds that kinda knock me out.

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    0 comments · 222 views

Taking a break from Lost Student · 11:50pm Mar 26th, 2020

Hey all.

The virus has hit me and my housemate pretty hard in the last week and I've been finding it impossible to write. Interactions with my editors have also been rather tense and I think rather than try and force more story out when I'm not in the right mindset I'd rather just take a break.

I know this is an awful time considering I just uploaded the first part of the rewrite but honestly, my whole life is an awful time so I shouldn't be too surprised that this keeps happening.

More chapters will be here eventually I hope. Stay safe.

- Psyg

Comments ( 1 )

Yeah better to delay a bit than push out forced writing, that's neither good for the story or motivation. Hope you get better soon, it's a nasty bug to have.:twilightsmile:

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