Lost Student Rework - Finally here! · 6:06pm Mar 6th, 2020
Hey everyone!
So Lost student is finally back, new, improved and with a LOT more words. Unfortunately, I've start uploading the rework before we've reached the current place the story was at but I feel this is necessary because the story has been on hiatus for WAY too long already.
I have a full week of uploads ready and plan to upload a new chapter every day for the next week and then hopefully get back into the chapter a week timeline. This isn't going to be a "definitely every week" kind of thing but it will be my goal!
As the rework is out, I have unpublished all the old chapters, they still exist but will be unavailable to read. If you want a copy then the old chapters will be posted on a second story with a link in the Empty Horizons Discord found - Here.
I hope everyone enjoys the rework and thanks again to Goldenwing for the editing!
- PsyG