• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2014
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Marezinger Z

Always looking to learn and enhance my craft as well as share in the fandom fun.

More Blog Posts143

  • 3 weeks
    Together and Apart Again is out.

    Hey everyone, story is finalized and public now. Hope you all enjoy.

    EAll That We Become: Together and Apart Again
    A passing year finds Aurelian and his friends coming together once again to speak of the new world they find themselves in as well as set in motion the next steps for the future.
    Marezinger Z · 7.1k words  ·  11  0 · 127 views
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  • 4 weeks
    Still in the game.

    Hello, been an awful long time which wasn't intended but I had to step away from writing for a while. Long story short, I'm still here and I've been keeping up with whatever comments my stories have been garnering. I just wrapped up the rough draft for the next part of All That We Become, which is a shorter story that reunites Aurelian and his friends, begins Celestia's training under him along

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  • 78 weeks
    It's Gala time.

    The next part of All That We become is going up and it's time for the yearly get together at the Grand Galloping Gala. Vignette interactions and some set up for things to come are on the plate for this story. I hope the series continues to entertain.

    EAll That We Become: The Grand Galloping Gala
    Celestia has the Gala moved up to accommodate her impending training under Aurelian. Wishing to have a grand get together to celebrate all that has changed over the past year with friends old and new.
    Marezinger Z · 7.9k words  ·  28  0 · 868 views
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  • 82 weeks
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

    Just a quick but sincere wish for everyone to have a safe and pleasant holiday season. I don't know about everyone else, but this year has been rough which means we should always strive to truly enjoy those moments of family, friends and happiness when they come about.

    1 comments · 178 views
  • 86 weeks
    A belated ghost story for my EQG series.

    Originally a short horror special for Halloween wound up being a longer horror story post-Thanksgiving. Either way, the next part of my EQG series is up and has Sunset, Hunter and the gang dealing with a haunted home. I'll be honest, horror is not my strong point and I have only one other horror story that I felt fortunate to have been so well received. But I wanted to give it another go, so

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All That We Are. Chapter 3 · 2:19am Oct 18th, 2019

Chapter 3 is up and with it we check back in with Tirek. Celestia and Twilight also pay a visit to the hive to meet with Chrysalis in an attempt to get some answers as to what has been going on. So far so good with this one, enjoy and more to come soon.

EAll That We Are
All processing their encounter with Aurelian very differently, the three villains part ways on paths that will ultimately lead them back together in a way they did not expect.
Marezinger Z · 39k words  ·  279  9 · 4.8k views
Report Marezinger Z · 251 views · Story: All That We Are · #Update #Villains
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