• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
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Writing graduate who loves cartoon horses and all manner of silly things. Occasionally writes serious stories. A divine Swedish woman drew this avatar.

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And Now I Rest—203,345 Words in 60 Days · 8:40am Jul 10th, 2019

Today was day 60 of my 3-4 hour productivity challenge.

Since I'm really thirsty for progress and have a self-imposed deadline of Bronycon, I've decided to immediately do another 30 day productivity challenge. This time, I sprinted less, but wrote 3 hours a day for my main project. In this batch of 30 days, I wrote and edited my controversial Flurry Heart story, whose first draft weighed in at 12,268 words, and a whopping 90,076 words for my main project, for a grand total of 102,344 words these past 30 days.

I think I'll take tomorrow completely off, aside from some outline work and getting to plan the two Bronycon panels I'm running (more on those later, as details get finalized). As for my main project, it's sitting at 319,395 words, and I've got around 8% of it left to write. If I can resume my 3k a day pace for it starting on the 11th, finishing the first draft is actually quite possible before Bronycon. If I don't, then I'll be very damn close.

Regarding the Flurry Heart story, the reception was definitely not what I was expecting. It's on its way to being one of my most-downvoted stories ever, which was way more negativity than I anticipated outside of the usual hate brigade for incest fics, but it also received far more positive attention in the forms of comments, likes, and raw views, than I thought it would. I'm really pleased so many of you enjoyed the story! In all, about 20 hours went into that story (1 hour of planning, 10 of drafting, 9 of revision). Thanks to everyone who's given it a look and ended up liking it. Hopefully my next story (whatever that may be) will be even better!

Smell ya later,

Report GaryOak · 296 views · Story: Daddy's Little Gothicc Girl ·
Comments ( 3 )

After using the Challenge for a little bit, I think the biggest draw for me are the sprints. Not to improve speed, but because I find it much easier to spend twenty minutes doing them. It's easy to fit into a schedule.

Yea, that's super appealing about 'em, for sure. I'm glad it's helping you get back on the horse. :pinkiehappy:

I will be patient for that new chapter my good friend

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