So, been working on this one. The last couple of weeks were pretty great! Real life wise. I got a massive raise, promotion to Supervisor (just below Manager. Ugh, responsibilities), and I got to see the Mario Movie! Wooo fucking hooo! So, here's what I got:
So, I've finished reading through my stories and...was I high? Was I on some kind of drug? All the drugs?! They are enjoyable if you don't take it seriously and treat them as crack-fics...and ignore the much cringe.
Cutie Mark: A Ruby-crystal Rose within two flaming-red wings arched downward in the shape of a heart.
Special Talent: Fierce Love, Devotion, Hope, and Protection to those that have earned a place in her heart. In other words: Ruthless combat capabilities.
An apology sounds about right. However, certain details need to be made apparent before I do so: giving them will make things more understandable as to my absense and lack of updating anything.
Life sucks - - > plain and simple.
For those not in the know (most likely 99.9% of you...probably), I was homeless for a while.
So, been a while since I decided to do anything. I've mostly been dealing with life. My old laptop, one that was donated to me finally kicked the bucket, followed by COVID-19 happening, and frankly? I hate typing on my cell. With COVID-19 I couldn't use the computers at the various libraries since no one is allowed in and only books can be taken out via their websites. Thus, all I could do is
Hymn ... not gonna lie liked the original wayyyyy better ... no offense intended. How do I put It... the original looked like you spent good money to get a picture professional done to make her look close to real life but with it still being anime..ish .... this one feels more like American cartoon..ish. *anyone who calls anime cartoons watch out im behind you with a knife* lol. Well as long as your happy with it i guess that's all that matters.
5012319 The first one wasn't something I owned nor bought. It was just a place holder until I could afford something that better matches the Plot of the story. Generally, you shouldn't use someone else art for your story without asking for permission, but everyone does it anyway, so I try to make something myself or pay for someone to do it for me when I can afford it. I plan on getting a new cover for each ARC. I want each piece to represent both the growth of the story and Sunset(Gry) as well. I think ARC 4,8,16,18 will be my favorite covers for Last Sunset.
Done by this person!
Hymn ... not gonna lie liked the original wayyyyy better ... no offense intended. How do I put It... the original looked like you spent good money to get a picture professional done to make her look close to real life but with it still being anime..ish .... this one feels more like American cartoon..ish. *anyone who calls anime cartoons watch out im behind you with a knife* lol. Well as long as your happy with it i guess that's all that matters.
The first one wasn't something I owned nor bought. It was just a place holder until I could afford something that better matches the Plot of the story. Generally, you shouldn't use someone else art for your story without asking for permission, but everyone does it anyway, so I try to make something myself or pay for someone to do it for me when I can afford it. I plan on getting a new cover for each ARC. I want each piece to represent both the growth of the story and Sunset(Gry) as well. I think ARC 4,8,16,18 will be my favorite covers for Last Sunset.
Thanks for the opinion though!
This is the original artist-
Awesome, I like it!