• Member Since 26th Mar, 2012
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Death God

More Blog Posts219

  • 238 weeks
    Happy New Year! and Merry Belated Winter Holiday You Celebrate!(Request Artwork Inside!)

    It's weird knowing this is the first year I don't have pony episodes to look forward too... but I digress.

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    2 comments · 617 views
  • 243 weeks
    S.P.I.K.E What's it Spell?

    Hip, Hip, Hoo-Ahh! is officially submitted and passed moderation. If Rarity and Gabby doing sexy Cheerleading for Spike sound like something you might want to read... Good News!

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  • 243 weeks
    New Story Being Posted Today/Tomorrow

    So, depending on your time zone depends on which of those is true, but in about 12-15 hours I'll be submitting my one shot.

    After this one-shot, I'll be continuing the next chapter of Hoard. I'm gonna try to push for a pre-new year update, but with both of my original editors MIA, as well as the likely size, I'm not sure how realistic that is.

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    7 comments · 352 views
  • 244 weeks
    Writing on My New Story Done!

    So yeah, 11k words and 43 pages later! Now the editing can begin and then the posting.

    Editing has a way of adding another 1000 words at this size, should be fun.

    Anyways, prepare the tissues you'll be needing them! :raritywink:

    2 comments · 324 views
  • 245 weeks
    Update to a One-Shot

    Two weeks; I'm funny. In my defense though no one actually got the full right answer.

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Monday Story Posting · 11:57pm Feb 8th, 2019

It's been a month since I finished the story so I've decided that I'll most likely post it on the site Monday night. Sorry for the long wait, but hopefully it's worth it.

Report Path_of_cloud · 270 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Can't wait! Looking forward to it!

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