SCRIPTFest Writing Contest Deadline Extended to January 31st · 10:50pm Jan 6th, 2019
As the title says, the deadline to submit an entry for our SCRIPTFest contest has been extended to 11:59PM PST, January 31st.
For more details, or to enter, please go here.
I have a quick question - if we are unable to attend the event, will this live script-reading be broadcast in some fashion? I would love to hear the winning script read aloud, although I live pretty far from EFNW! :)
I sincerely hope we can record it and put it up online, and everyone at the con is trying to make that happen. We have the technical capability to do it, so as far as I know, it's basically just the legal questions that they're trying to sort out.
Oh, I really hope they can!! I know I'd be personally devastated if I wrote a really cool episode and didn't get to see it performed! I'm glad you guys are already working on it, I hope it turns out okay! <3 Good luck Xepher!! (And team!)
Woo, got my entry in!! Good luck everypony!!

Will the winner be announced or notified before the Con?
Yes. We'll email everyone once judging is complete. The winner will obviously have a lot more to deal with, but everyone else will at least get some basic feedback on their entries.
That said, all entrants have our heartfelt thanks! I hope you all enjoyed taking up this challenge!
Sorry for bugging you guys. If possible, could I please know how many entrants you had? And how goes the judging?