• Member Since 13th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 10th, 2019


Everfree Northwest is Seattle's premier My Little Pony fan convention! We hope you'll join us for our eighth annual convention, taking place May 17-19th 2019.


SCRIPTFest Winners Announced · 6:02am Mar 11th, 2019

Everfree Northwest’s annual writing contest, Scribblefest, was this year changed to SCRIPTFest with a unique challenge to our contestants to write a show-worthy episode script. The winning entry will be read live, on stage, by the show actors who voice the Student Six, Tirek, and Cozy Glow! As you can imagine, this was a difficult contest to judge, and we thank everyone who entered. Writing a script can be a real challenge compared to prose, and though it may be a cliche to say it, you’re all

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SCRIPTFest Writing Contest Deadline Extended to January 31st · 10:50pm Jan 6th, 2019

As the title says, the deadline to submit an entry for our SCRIPTFest contest has been extended to 11:59PM PST, January 31st.

For more details, or to enter, please go here.


Reminder: SCRIPTFest 2019 submissions must be in by January 31st · 3:11pm Jan 3rd, 2019

EDIT: Contest deadline extended
New deadline is 11:59pm PST, January 31st!

Just a friendly reminder, you still have until midnight on January 15th 31st to submit your episode scripts for our writing contest!

For those that haven't been following the official Everfree Website or other social media accounts, I'm including a summary of the contest below.

Welcome to Scribblefest 2019! Or should we say: SCRIPTfest 2019!

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Scribblefest Closing and Submission List! · 5:25am Mar 9th, 2018

Good Evening Pony Writers! We had a fairly large turnout to our writing contest, Scribblefest, that officially ended at midnight on March 4th. We at EFNW will be getting super busy judging those entries, and we're really excited for that! That said, if you wanted to see who entered and what they wrote (and to pick your favourites), here is the list below. We are hoping to complete judging as soon as possible (with allowances for real life stuff like jobs, sleep, etc).

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Fanfiction Spotlight #56, and 1 Week Warning for Scribblefest! · 6:56am Feb 24th, 2018

Greetings Pony fans and aspiring writers!

Sorry for the radio silence from us. We here at EFNW are working hard to get stuff ready for Everfree to make this year's con just as awesome as previous years. Unfortunately sometimes that means Heartshine gets busy and forgets to update the story spotlights!

Want to give a brief reminder that as of Saturday, 2/24/18, we've got one week left in Scribblefest! So get Scribbling if you want a shot at those prizes!

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Fanfiction Spotlight #55, and 1 week till Scribblefest! · 7:04am Jan 25th, 2018

Good Evening Pony Readers and Writers!

Yep, we're back again this week with two more stories for you all to check out. And! We wanted to remind you that starting on February 1st at 12:00am, the Everfree NW Scribblefest will start! Details about the contest will be posted at that time, and then you've got a month to get those stories written!

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Fanfiction Spotlight #54 · 5:53am Jan 14th, 2018

Good Evening Pony Fans! We're back again, and trying to find a consistent schedule for these updates! This week we've got a few interesting stories for you to check out! This week, Silver Flare looks at a long form poem that works really well, and Novel Idea has a rather interesting piece about one of Celestia's assistants!

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Fanfiction Spotlight #53, and a Happy New Year · 4:33am Jan 2nd, 2018

A Very Happy New Year to everyone! We at Everfree NW are looking forward to seeing you all in May, and as always, we're starting the New Year off with a pair of stories for you to check out!

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Fanfiction Spotlight #52! · 5:54am Dec 8th, 2017

Good Evening Pony readers and writers!

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Complete List of Scribblefest 2017 Submissions! · 2:54am Apr 9th, 2017

Well, this is awkward.

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