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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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Chapter 2 of "Aegis" is released: "Isolation" + Accent-reduced version! · 4:22pm Oct 18th, 2018

It's the midst of October, the darkest and most scary month of the year, and Chapter 2 of "Aegis" is here now! We continue through the story with a slow pace, but all things are set up now to get really serious for the foals:


This chapter marks the end of the introduction, which means, the real action will begin with the next chapter! Chapter 3 will come out next week and the true horror that lurks in the mall will start to torment our little protagonists..... Make sure to come back next Wednesday, too, to find out what's going to happen when the first one of them gets drawn into a world of despair!

With this chapter, I also begin to add an optional, accent-reduced version. I didn't get much feedback on the accent of Curtain Call and Fast Bun, so I just went ahead and prepared versions with lesser accent for each chapter, so that those who struggle with following the dialogues will have an easier time reading this story.
If you are able to understand this accent, though, reading the standard version is still recommended, as it gives a better feel for it that these events happen in Manehattan and is therefore more immersive than the reduced version.
But whatever you decide for, have fun reading this dark tale! Next week, this story will pick up pace!

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