• Member Since 8th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 19th, 2022

Crystal Wishes

to thine own self write true

More Blog Posts16

  • 106 weeks

    Honestly, I logged in to delete this account, but I saw waiting, unread PMs notifications, and as a human being, I glanced. And the previews I glanced over made me decide otherwise.

    I wish all of you well. May you all find joy. I am happy to say I have found mine. I am writing again after years of having a PTSD reaction to just opening a word document. On another site, in another fandom.

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    37 comments · 1,844 views
  • 243 weeks

    Time moves so quickly and so slowly that it baffles me. The calendar is approaching my veritable D-day anniversary; it's almost been a year since something happened that broke me into so many pieces that I didn't think I could be put back together again.

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    51 comments · 2,490 views
  • 273 weeks
    "State of the Author"

    You're a world away
    Somewhere in the crowd
    In a foreign place
    Are you happy now?

    TL;DR: I am not dead, but I'm not active right now, either.

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    31 comments · 1,728 views
  • 303 weeks
    Disabling Comments

    🎶 Add a little sugar, they say
    Be a little sweeter, they say
    Gotta give and take, but I say
    This time it's my way, ah, my way

    I'll do me
    You do you
    I don't need nobody's permission
    I won't back down
    Win or lose 🎶

    I'm disabling comments on all of my stories—past, present, and future.

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    49 comments · 2,003 views
  • 305 weeks
    Q&B Super Summer Jam - Final Results!!


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    3 comments · 506 views

Q&B Super Summer Jam - Final Results!! · 11:13pm Sep 17th, 2018


I could do a long-winded ramble about how much I loved every entry, but to save the anxiety in the air, I'll cut to the chase. I'll leave comments on the respective entry threads now that voting is over. I was worried that my opinions might "sway" folks with my thoughts or something, plus it'll end things on high notes for all our fantastic finalists.

ANYWAY... cutting to the chase.

Fourth and Third Place - The Long Con by Pearple Prose & The Tour Pass by Caligari87


  • If you want, I'll edit your story!
  • You story will be posted on QuillnBlade.com so it will be REMEMBERED FOREVER on a site no one visits because I broke it

Second Place - A Night at the Gala by Bypenandhoof


  • If you want, I'll edit your story!
  • You story will be posted on QuillnBlade.com so it will be REMEMBERED FOREVER on a site no one visits because I broke it
  • Anzel and I will do a live reading and post it to the Q&B YouTube channel!

First Place - Lovey Dovey and the Blue Line of Fate by Hazel Mee


  • If you want, I'll edit your story!
  • You story will be posted on QuillnBlade.com so it will be REMEMBERED FOREVER on a site no one visits because I broke it
  • Anzel and I will do a live reading and post it to the Q&B YouTube channel!
  • We're going to commission art of a scene we liked most.. and boy is it going to be hard to choose (LOVEY AND AZURITE THE ALL-KNOWING) oops that wasn't so hard


It really means a lot to me that everyone that entered did so, took the time to write something "for us"... because of us?... WHATEVER THE REASON, thank you.

If you don't plan to post your story to your account, please feel free to drop it on the forum so interested folks can read them. I love them all so much!!


Report Crystal Wishes · 506 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Well done everyone involved. It was tough to choose but we did our best. These four were outstanding in a sea of great stories. I can't wait to learn who wrote them!

(Hi, I wrote The Long Con.)

This contest was super fun and I'm sorry for inflicting a story that wasn't really at all related to Quill and Blade on you all, but I'm super pleased I made finals at least. Hope there'll be another of these in future!

I also had a ton of fun and I got to meet some new awesome writers. If you folks ever decide to do another contest some time in the future, I'd definitely be interested.

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