• Member Since 21st Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Always ready for a good laugh or a good massacre, it depends. I have become MORE I've become a DORITO!

More Blog Posts25

  • 91 weeks
    It's me. Ya boy!

    Hello dear readers and followers welcome to my new blog post.

    First things first I wanna say thank you for your patience and your patronage.

    Second I wanna make you know that the new chapter of stagnation is in the final stages and will be published sometimes next week so be ready for that hot drop.

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  • 249 weeks
    Thanks for following

    I thank all of you for following me until this day!

    That's it really, just wanted to thank you all. Bye bye! :)

    0 comments · 299 views
  • 259 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas my fellow reader and possibly writer, I'm here to tell you that it was and still is an honor to have all of you here on the site reading my stories! Be ready for a Christmas special on Tela's tale today toodles!

    0 comments · 182 views
  • 290 weeks
    Stagnation is death and its reboot

    So, I made a reboot of stagnation because I wasn't liking how it was coming, I think the new chapters are better than the originals one and I'm really happy about them. That being said should I erase the old chapters? Or should I keep them there until I completely rewrite it and then erase them? Let me know thank you for your help! :yay:

    11 comments · 316 views
  • 309 weeks

    If anyone is interested today is the birthday of Stagnation is Death, through all this time I went through a lot of changes and a lot of comments I thank all of you that actually read the story and liked it, I thank the ones who gave me criticism, it helped a lot you know? Now what I wanted to do today it to publish the rewritten version of my first chapter I worked hard on it and I think it came

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    3 comments · 324 views

Secret invitation for the party!!! · 7:31pm May 4th, 2018

'Finally, now I can continue chapter 15 and-'


"Hello dear followers, it's me... PINKIE! Now that he is out cold....

LET'S PARTY! You are all invited to my 'congratulations for reaching 200 likes party!' yes the main guy is sleeping but still... LET'S PARTY LIKE NO ONE EVER DID!

Send me whatever question you might have on Stagnation and I will gladly answer them, but no spoilers hehe....

Report Firefoxino · 370 views · Story: Stagnation is Death · #Q&A
Comments ( 15 )

To the little princesses:

How do you personally feel about being princesses of an entinen Race. And how would you make the world a better place.

PS. Pinkie, do try not to drive your father up the wall with your antiks. Not saying you can't, just tone it down.


"Well, mister somebody I personally feel very exited to be a princess! Just think of how many friends I can make! For how I would make the world a better place well... There is no better way to improve the world than SMILING! The others are saying that they feel a bit unsure about the whole princess thing but they ony need time to get used ;)

Also I would never pull daddy on the wall silly! Why should I? I would probably just prank him hehe Oh and Dashie too!"

"Oh yeah!"

"Girls please calm down."


"I'm not an egghead!... I'm well read.


Did she just?...

Yes, she escaped with a smoke bomb darling, just nod and accept it.

B-b-b-but she left us with them alone!

Don't be silly Twi, I'll come back hehe

*the anti fun police breaks down the front door* AFP swat officer: AFP HANDS AND HOOVES IN THE AIR!!

I have something extra I want to give to you all. If the main man would allow it:

The ability to use something called: a dark corridor. It allowes you to open a portal to anywhere you have already been to. Now normally you would have to ware a piece of specialised clothing to use these safely, but I have modified it so that you don't have to worry about all of those pesky side-efects.

Its also a great way to escape a tough situation. That is IF the main man allowes such an ability to be give. I may be stuck in the Nothingness, but I can still atleast help a little.

Oh well thank you mister! We will ask HIM what he thinks of it so we will keep this in the closet for now.

Pinkie, what are you talking about?


Arcania:Hey so what fo you and your sisters think about candy ponies like me (read the something sweet to bite series if you donk know what a candy pony is)

I don't like them... I read the first chapter and even if Applejack didn't know who Applebloom is she was pretty pissed with those candy ponies. I thought they were good seeing the name but I was wrong.

Listen here you! I don't know what do you want from us but try something like that with me around and I will be sure to punch you to the moon!

Fortunately Pinkie didn't read past the first chapter... Please refrain from mentioning too unsetteling stories for her ok? One of us with splitted personality is bad enough.

Well that was my answer let's hear some more question K?

Arcania: well good thing im nice once you get past my alter ego she is just rude and well i hope we become friends and look past what i am

Okie dokie lokie friend :D

... Fine

Now that we settled this... do you want to answer some question about your kind? Like anatomy, psychology etc...

Arcania: sure what do you wanna know

Your coloration is peculiar and how do you reprod- NOPE!

Sorry Twi we don't have time to talk about this HE could wake up soon!


Good HE's still sleeping. Now more questions come on Folks! :D

Arcania: who is he a friend, Alex mercer, James heller you dont have to tell me if you dont wanna and tell flutters i said hi and now back to my own universe.

A strange guy that was writing something on a book called Stagnation is death. He is the owner of the house hehe 😅


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