• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
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More Blog Posts11

  • 326 weeks
    From the depths, a long dormant story stirs...

    My goodness, it's been a long time! But to those that have been wondering: No, I have not forgotten about my story, The Maker. I have been wanting to continue it for a while now but Work, Real Life and Writer's Block have been a very annoying tag team.

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    1 comments · 383 views
  • 447 weeks
    Eureka! A new dirrection for "The Maker."

    I've had a flash of inspiration regaurding "The Maker" that may just help in getting the story going again.

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    1 comments · 363 views
  • 523 weeks
    Time to stop dinking around.

    It's been over a year since the last true story update. True, much has happened in the fandom and the show its self, but that is no excuse. It's time I did something about it. So, here's what I'm doing. I'm going to get to finishing the next chapter. But before that, I'm going to update the existing story chapters. I have gone through and revised the story with all the pertinent info from

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    0 comments · 301 views
  • 550 weeks
    Well, Phooie...

    You know how in my previous blog post, I said I would leave the old version of "The Maker" up and post the updated version as a new story? Well, I just checked the rules of the site, and it turns out I can't do that. It's explicitly stated in the FAQ that I can't post "rewrites of an old story posted as a new story. [I'm] free to edit [my] existing story, but [ I ] may not post it as a new

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  • 555 weeks
    Updates, New and Old

    Well, Season 4 is underway and I'm liking the way it's going so far. As near as can be seen, the characters we all know are still themselves and the six friends will not be separated any time soon. That means good things for my story, but it also throws a few wrenches in things. So, that means fixing. As stated

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From the depths, a long dormant story stirs... · 11:30pm Apr 26th, 2018

My goodness, it's been a long time! But to those that have been wondering: No, I have not forgotten about my story, The Maker. I have been wanting to continue it for a while now but Work, Real Life and Writer's Block have been a very annoying tag team.

Still, slow progress has been made over time. And today I have gone back through and updated each of the existing chapters with the changes I have written. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to rewrite previous chapters in order to bring them into conformity with the show cannon, thanks to me finally finding a solid spot within both the show's timeline as well as real world events to slot the events of this story. Now I can focus on finishing the next chapter which has been hanging in limbo for the past few years.

If you haven't taken the time recently, now would be a great time to go back and read The Maker again. Who knows! There may be a new chapter in the near future!

Report kovabomb · 383 views · Story: The Maker ·
Comments ( 1 )

Wow, this isn’t a story I was expecting to see again. Hope you get to finding out what to do next, I remember quite enjoying it back in the day.

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