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A JD Review: Justice League (2017) · 11:50pm Nov 25th, 2017

The DCEU has seemed to find its footing.

So, Justice League! Pretty big, right? I gotta say, I wasn't really anticipating this film after, say, Batman V Superman. But after seeing Wonder Woman, I was absolutely pumped to see Justice League. How did the film stack up with fans and critics? Once more, it seems to be torn down the middle about whether it was good or bad. Myself? I thought it was really good! Let's get into the details below...


I never did a review of the previous DCEU films. So, here's a quick recap of my reviews of each film so far.

Man of Steel - A pretty good start for the DCEU. I really enjoyed the story, and Henry Cavil is a great pick for Superman. A lot of people saw many things wrong with this film, but overall I liked it. 7/10.

Batman V Superman - This was a film that I thought was just "OK". The action was great, but the pacing and character motivation were a little wacky. An alright movie. They shouldn't have killed Superman, though. That was dumb. 6/10.

Suicide Squad - This film kind of stood on the same ground as BVS. I thought there were some pretty cool things about it, but overall kind of forgettable. 6/10.

Wonder Woman - Easily the best DC film since The Dark Knight. The action, direction, writing, characters, just... everything about this film was so good. This was the kick in the ass the DCEU needed. 9/10.

And now Justice League.

Like many others, I believed they should have spent more time setting up these different characters with solo films before the big team-up film. And people like to say, "Oh, then DC would just be like Marvel! DC is their own thing!" After seeing the film, I can say that the solo film idea kind of doesn't need to happen here, but then again... it kind of does.

Standard audiences haven't had time to connect with these characters, and so they don't know who these people are (Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg). Then again, you don't need to have solo films for people to care about certain characters, you just need to give audiences a reason to care for these characters in the current film they're in. In a sense, Justice League does do that. Kind of.

Justice League is a fun, action-filled comic book movie, one that I really enjoyed. There were a few hiccups, but nothing too much to take much away from the rest of the film. I eagerly await for what the DCEU has in store. 8/10.


It looks like DC really took into account why people hated BVS. Because Justice League definitely offers some improvements to the previous films. First of all, the atmosphere isn't so dark and brooding. The characters are smiling, making jokes, and saving lives. There's still a bit of darkness to this film, but in this case it works for the film. It's not too dark, and it's not too light. I would be perfectly fine if the DCEU decided to make the mood for each film like this.

The story was actually pretty good. Each individual character are given some time to shine and offer some contribution to the team. There was an epic flashback of the Atlanteans and Amazonians teaming up to take on Steppenwolf, with quick cameos from a Green Lantern (that was epic). However, I felt like the movie was a little too fast. I heard there's a director's cut with plenty of more footage, so I'll definitely check that out, and I hope you all do too.

I felt that Superman's resurrection didn't feel as... triumphant as I would have liked, if that makes sense. They just use a mother box and some lightning and boom, Superman's back, but he disappears to go hang out on his farm for a bit and then finally decide to come back to fight the bad guy. It's just a nitpick, but it kinda felt off for me. Another nitpick was the lack of people the Justice League actually saved. All we're really shown is one family that Flash saves, and a building that Superman carries to safety. I don't know. I just like to see superheroes actually saving lives while saving the day.

Also, is Themyscira just... destroyed now? Are all the Amazons dead there? Because Steppenwolf literally killed everyone I could see. Speaking of Steppenwolf, I felt his defeat came out of nowhere. There wasn't really that much in the film that said the parademons fed on fear. Oh, well. Hopefully the director's cut will solve that.

Also also, the after credits scene teased Deathstroke! Hell freaking yes!

Please start the Brotherhood of Evil, DC! Please! That and Legion of Doom!

Other than those nitpicks, this was a really good film. Kind of wished that there were solo films to set this up, but Justice League still works in the end (still praying for a Martian Manhunter movie).

Definitely go check it out if you haven't, and if you have then what were your thoughts?


Report JDPrime22 · 388 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

I myself am pumped for the Future of the DCEU as well, especially the Shazam and Black Adam films!, i guess that's party due to Onomonopia's fics XD, that and I'm interesting to see what The Rock brings to the table as Teth, Justice League was also great IMO, also, Prime, have you checked out the DC TV shows yet? Like Arrow, Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow? Cause they are really great shows imo

It's not Injustice League or Brotherhood of Evil that Lex is a part of. It's the Legion of Doom. Since Supes has a League then Luthor has a Legion... which, appropriately enough for his ego, sounds bigger and more impressive then just a League.

But overall I agree with you.

Unpopular opinion here, but the Ultimate Edition of BvS is probably my favorite superhero movie. It honestly fixed character motivations and plot cohesion into something very memorable.

But I do agree that what happened to Superman at the end was a bad move.

4734829 Yeah, I was just thinking about that. I knew I messed up on the names. :facehoof:

4734825 My sister loves the DC TV shows. I haven't seen them myself but I heard they're really good.

4734837 I haven't seen the extended edition, so that's probably my fault. I should check it out.

Don't go into Arrow Season 3 or Supergirl Season 1 unless it's the second half.... the first half is...... painful to sit through.

4734888 There are a lot of mixed feelings on it, huh? Good to know.

Arrow Season 3 is almost universally HATED by the fandom. Season 4 fares better but it's rocky.

Watch it then. It fixes almost every problem I had with the movie.

Maybe after the MLP and MCU crossover you could move on to the DCEU

The movie was awesome to watch but my only complaint is that they didn't show Motha F***ing DARKSEID!

4735076 I've been thinking about that. Maybe a Justice League 2 crossover when it comes out. We'll have to wait and see.

4735079 There's a name drop, and I thought we were gonna get him in the after credits, but I guess it's smart to save Darkseid for later.

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