• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


More Blog Posts56

  • 591 weeks
    Site! Why You Keep Changing?

    Wow, fimfiction has changed quite a bit since my humble beginning where I first drunkenly stepped through the door and picked up a keyboard. It's been a crazy time reading the writing here and it still captivates me to find such outstanding writers that join together to write about ponies. I can only wish to be half as good a writer as many people here. A mastery of spelling and forming sentences

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    4 comments · 1,076 views
  • 603 weeks
    Potential new project preview

    Stupid idiot, what were you thinking taking in this crying, pooping, miserable little mess he thought bitterly to himself. It’s been two days since he found the little mongrel and she wouldn’t stop making noise. Always flailing her hooves around like a fool, either laughing or wailing at the top of her longs. He hadn’t managed to sleep in all that time. I’m hungry she’d cry out in

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    10 comments · 1,039 views
  • 608 weeks
    To Followers, favorites, and everything in between

    Hello everyone, I guess it's been awhile since last I said anything. My abrupt return was pretty much just a sudden appearance before a disappearance. I put out a chapter, perhaps half-cocked, and went back to lurking in the shadows with the light of the computer monitor illuminating me. Rather melodramatic but hey I'm in one of those moods, and what a mood it is.

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  • 614 weeks
    The Great return

    Dressed in the rags, your wonderful neighborhood tramp Ex Nihilos welcomes you into his humble abode. What was once a wondrous apartment with furniture and wondrous cultural icons like an 'I can haz cheezburgr' posts and an Beatles poster with a coffee stain on the corner now lays barren. A homeless man sleeps in a corner and a condemned sign sits in the meager trashcan.

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  • 621 weeks
    Back from Star Wars Celebration VI

    Got to meet Anthony Daniels, Seth Green, Timothy Zahn, and attended a bunch of writer's seminars.

    Oh also spend my entire life savings on Star Wars stuff but totally worth it!

    And now back to College and writing.

    16 comments · 748 views

The Great return · 11:37pm Oct 15th, 2012

Dressed in the rags, your wonderful neighborhood tramp Ex Nihilos welcomes you into his humble abode. What was once a wondrous apartment with furniture and wondrous cultural icons like an 'I can haz cheezburgr' posts and an Beatles poster with a coffee stain on the corner now lays barren. A homeless man sleeps in a corner and a condemned sign sits in the meager trashcan.

"Hello my friends, come in, come in! Don't mind the dead rat, that's my dinner for tonight. Alright so you might have noticed, I might have a made a few teeny tiny mistakes in the form of bad judgment, a few bad investments, and getting caught running a pyramid scheme on the elderly...."

He goes silent to reflect on how badly that last endeavor went.

"Anyway! I am... relatively back. I have been stockpiling chapters to get back on a semi-regular basis of posting rather that 'whenever I feel like it'. But knowing life it's going to pimp slap me in the face and I'll have an excuse ready to go as to why I can't pay the landlord!"

"...So! Any questions? Post them down below and I'll probably ignore it! Naw, I'm kidding I'll answer them..."

Report Ex-Nihilos · 796 views ·
Comments ( 18 )

I shat a brick when I saw your update at lunch break today.

My wishes have been answered and the gloriousness that is Ex-Nihilos has returned!

So other then the bad stuff how is life?


Taking up the dead rat the audience had previously stepped over the author takes a bite from its mangy flea ridden hide. "Pretty good," he says between mouthfuls, "the usual madness of college and paying for it and everything in between but actually good."

Nearly lost interest in you during your hiatus. No, in fact it's gone. I'll just finish up Rorschach in Equestria and say goodbye to you. Sorry.:facehoof:

Good to see you still live, 'Rorschach...' is one of my favourite HIE fics.
I hope you enjoy your rat for dinner.

Nice to see you back.

Read/play/watch/listen to anything good lately?

SO you can afford internet access and college... but not a decent meal?

Sure, why not?


Shakes his fist, "Well I don't need ya! I don't need anybody but my dead rat and broken heart!"


Calming down he tosses the dead rat over his shoulder, hitting the homeless man in the corner, "Well I have been reading Game of Thrones and got my Walking Dead fix. That's about it."


"Obviously internet and cable are more important than food." The author gives a coy shrug, "I was never very good at budgeting my money. I will say scholarships are fantastic help..."

425161 That makes two of us...

Happy to see you back. I wanted to thank you for getting me into Watchmen. In fact in the time since the last chapter, i've gotten around too reading the book, watching the movie, and playing the almost-universally-panned video game. So I have two questions:
1. Do you have a rough estimate for when the next chapter will be released?
2. Have you read any of the Before Watchmen series?

Thanks for coming back.


Rummaging through the homeless man's pockets, the author calls back, "Rough estimate... well I am expecting to get the next chapter done for next Monday just like this one. Aaaand as for the Before Watchmen Series I read the first Rorschach comic and..." he stands up to shrug, "I wasn't very impressed, for some reason it didn't feel like the Rorschach I'd known from the original graphic novel. I can't quite explain it, but I wasn't happy with it suffice to say."

I can dig that man. The second issue was better but overall...Eh :applejackunsure:
I would recommend the Minutemen series however. It’s pretty good comparatively.
Also Yay Monday! (hopefully:scootangel:)

425340 Looking at the author, Reginald comments to himself. "He's speaking in the third person, that's almost as bad as speaking with the royal 'we'. I hope he doesn't ..." Reginald's thought was interrupted when his shoe landed on the ground, creating a soft squelching sound as a horrendous odour met his nostrils. "Ex-nihilos." Reginald began, "has your central water been turned off as well?".


"Yes. Yes it has."

Is it true? It is back? It seems it is, what wondrous event. Did I miss you? Perhaps not, I don't even know you, so why bother. But there is a reason, a reason for why I am here. It might be boredom, and most certainly is; or just a happy incident, but most likely not. Anyways, I feel I should say something among the lines of "welcome back", but being the lazy person I am, I won't do that. So please, do us all a favour and imagine I said it, so you can feel happy about it.

But I have a question, and an important one. If I would supply you with free coffee, would you work for me 24/7?

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