• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


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  • 591 weeks
    Site! Why You Keep Changing?

    Wow, fimfiction has changed quite a bit since my humble beginning where I first drunkenly stepped through the door and picked up a keyboard. It's been a crazy time reading the writing here and it still captivates me to find such outstanding writers that join together to write about ponies. I can only wish to be half as good a writer as many people here. A mastery of spelling and forming sentences

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    4 comments · 1,076 views
  • 603 weeks
    Potential new project preview

    Stupid idiot, what were you thinking taking in this crying, pooping, miserable little mess he thought bitterly to himself. It’s been two days since he found the little mongrel and she wouldn’t stop making noise. Always flailing her hooves around like a fool, either laughing or wailing at the top of her longs. He hadn’t managed to sleep in all that time. I’m hungry she’d cry out in

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    10 comments · 1,039 views
  • 608 weeks
    To Followers, favorites, and everything in between

    Hello everyone, I guess it's been awhile since last I said anything. My abrupt return was pretty much just a sudden appearance before a disappearance. I put out a chapter, perhaps half-cocked, and went back to lurking in the shadows with the light of the computer monitor illuminating me. Rather melodramatic but hey I'm in one of those moods, and what a mood it is.

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    21 comments · 914 views
  • 614 weeks
    The Great return

    Dressed in the rags, your wonderful neighborhood tramp Ex Nihilos welcomes you into his humble abode. What was once a wondrous apartment with furniture and wondrous cultural icons like an 'I can haz cheezburgr' posts and an Beatles poster with a coffee stain on the corner now lays barren. A homeless man sleeps in a corner and a condemned sign sits in the meager trashcan.

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  • 621 weeks
    Back from Star Wars Celebration VI

    Got to meet Anthony Daniels, Seth Green, Timothy Zahn, and attended a bunch of writer's seminars.

    Oh also spend my entire life savings on Star Wars stuff but totally worth it!

    And now back to College and writing.

    16 comments · 748 views

Potential new project preview · 7:19pm Dec 30th, 2012

Stupid idiot, what were you thinking taking in this crying, pooping, miserable little mess he thought bitterly to himself. It’s been two days since he found the little mongrel and she wouldn’t stop making noise. Always flailing her hooves around like a fool, either laughing or wailing at the top of her longs. He hadn’t managed to sleep in all that time. I’m hungry she’d cry out in her baby speak, pay attention to me! she’d scream like a banshee, I’m happy! she’d screech just because.

It was mind numbing. At this rate he was losing feathers by the clump full. His once beautiful sharp wings looked ragged, aging by decades with each hour spent with the rascal. Usually he’d distract the little pestilence by giving her a bobble to play with. It made a popping noise like bubbles which caught her attention, he’d discovered that trick very quickly. She loved bubbles, it worked wonders to give him at least two hours of slumber during the day. Nighttime didn’t work, she had nightmares, keeping him up like a zombie wandering the darkness.

How quickly his entire life revolved around that little filly. It brought a flair of anger to his mind. He tried to do a good deed and now his life was miserable... though it wasn’t like it was much better in the first place...

Letting out a ragged side he shifted on old cushioned sofa to glare down at the babbling annoyance on the floor. The little grey filly was playing with some blocks now, bouncing them against each other as she talked to herself, her pegasus wings fluttering in joy. The little tuft of blonde mane poked wildly in all directions despite attempts to keep it contained. Others called her adorable but he failed to see what the fuss was about. When he looked at her all he could see was a hemorrhage to his life. A disgusting little source of bodily fluids that liked to trip over herself and break his stuff.

“You’re sure happy with yourself,” he grumbled in his deep bass voice. The filly looked up from her toys to him, those big eyes shining with happiness. She reached out to him with her little grey hooves. Even as he spoke she was oblivious to what it was he was saying. “Little annoyance, you sure are happy about that, huh? You can’t even understand what I’m saying you stupid sniveling baby.”

Reaching out he tapped her forehead when she tried to get up. She fell back to her haunches, momentarily stunned from being sent back to the floor but quickly returning to babbling happily with one small difference. Her eyes had gone cross-eyed again, that dumb thing she did sometimes when she was happy, or just for no reason at all.

“Look at you, derpy eyed... Heh, maybe that’s what I should call you instead of Ditzy. Derpy stupid little hooves. How does that sound?” he asked mockingly to the baby. The baby’s answer was to squeal in delight, ignorant to how she was being taunted.

Grumbling in annoyance he watched as the filly tried to get up again to go to him. He reached out again to tap her forehead to keep her away. He was startled to find that he suddenly couldn’t pull away. His heart skipped a beat, eyes widening in surprise. The little filly had clung onto his talons, hugging the pointed digits affectionately. He was stuck, unable to pull away from little Ditzy as she held onto him with all of her meager strength.

And then she started to slobber all over his claw. The moment was lost and his heart continued to beat normally once more. He rolled his eyes in exasperation and pulled his talons away from her drooling mouth. Wiping away the spit on the side of the couch he reached out again to scoop up the baby.

“Come on then, let’s see if you’re hungry you little ditzy thing.” The gryphon said, carrying the still giggling Ditzy to their meager little pantry. So little food left, and with the last of his valuables sold they’d run out of bits and coins very soon. He wasn’t sure what they were going to do, already he was skipping meals to feed her.

He didn’t know what the two of them were going to do when the food ran out. The babe couldn’t tell but he was worried, they might have to leave their home soon if he couldn’t find work....

Report Ex-Nihilos · 1,039 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

You have piqued my curiosity, good sir. Please elaborate. :moustache:

Intriguing, you appeared to have caught my interest. Please, continue.

A gryphon takes care of a Derpy foal, and it's hard...



Interesting. I'd be willing to give that a chance.

Seems good so far. Looking forward to more.

I don't see how this is relevant to "Rorschach in Equestria", but it is still interesting nevertheless.

I would love to see this. I can tell its gonna hit people right in the feels.

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