• Member Since 5th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Redbow Rose

Just a Pegasus pony who happens to be a writer, nothing going on here!

More Blog Posts16

  • 162 weeks
    Cancelling and story ideas

    So...been a while. I'll just say that I'll be putting all my stories on canceled, no kidding that I'll continue them. I just haven't had the drive I used to and, honestly, my story was doomed to fail. It was a spur of the moment thing and without a plan past the coronation arc I wouldn't be able to keep up with it. So yeah...I do hope someone takes my idea and can write a proper story with it!

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    6 comments · 676 views
  • 345 weeks

    I'm back everyone! I'm out of BMT and in Tech School to learn how to make planes not crash. I'll have plenty of time to think...and when I get my laptop shipped to me I'll start writing again. Don't want to keep you all waiting much longer!

    11 comments · 605 views
  • 355 weeks

    I'm sorry everyone, but there won't be an update to "An Unexpected Twilight" for a long while. I've simply run out of steam for my creativity. I sit in my house all day and don't do anything really. This has hurt my stories and I'm sorry about that.

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    7 comments · 772 views
  • 372 weeks
    Struggling with Words

    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that the next chapter of An Unexpected Twilight will take a while again. I know exactly what I want for this chapter, but unfortunately the visualisations and the words are hard to come by.

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    6 comments · 474 views
  • 387 weeks
    Characters to Use

    Hey everyone! To help get back into things I've been doing some planning and I want to know your ideas.
    You see, in A Change of Face I will have three main characters. The human, natural changeling, and a background pony. Now, I want to use somepony who isn't used that often, and I've come up with a few names for ponies I might use.

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    3 comments · 494 views

Characters to Use · 9:21pm May 4th, 2017

Hey everyone! To help get back into things I've been doing some planning and I want to know your ideas.
You see, in A Change of Face I will have three main characters. The human, natural changeling, and a background pony. Now, I want to use somepony who isn't used that often, and I've come up with a few names for ponies I might use.
-Nurse Redheart (She is a nurse and those skills might come in handy)
-Colgate (I just like how she looks)
-Bon Bon (I know she is seen more often than others, but has secret agent skills)
Yeah only three ponies at the moment. Leave your suggestions below, and a good reason why!

Report Redbow Rose · 494 views · Story: A Change of Face · #ideas
Comments ( 3 )

i like your choices so far. good luck getting in the groove again. all my authors have been quiet as of late, even the one with the grimdark about moonie and twily :applecry:

I'd say go with Bonbon :3

I don't know. I honestly don't know any of them that well. Beyond Bon Bon being seen with Lyra most of the time.

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