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Darkwing Dust

Fellow brony, and overall Twidust fan!

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Chapter Preview: Recollection Of Sorrow · 1:53pm Apr 20th, 2017

As usual, here's the first scene to this week's exciting season five chapter of AJBS! And this time, Stardust must confront another test by his new mentor, by facing the past! Enjoy!

"Thank you so much again, Stardust, for keeping an eye on my precious little foals while we were busy."

Said foals, in all their endearing glory, were currently using my body as a climbing set, myself sat down on all four limbs and making sure the cute baby ponies wouldn't fall while grabbing onto my fur and the like. I smiled at the two parents entering the room. "No prob. I always enjoy looking after the kids." Pumpkin Pie making babble noises into my right ear regardless.

Cupcake beamed at the sight. "I'm so glad you can count on you, with Pinkie setting up another party." Ah yes, the late Birthday party Pinkie decided to throw for me. I believe she said that was going to happen... Tonight. Wonderful, I can prepare early then.

You would need to be patient on that, Jack.

My expression flicked, keeping still for the blue Earth Pony to pry her clingy foals off my fur. Hey Starswirl, what's up?

A moment of your time, my friend, if you would.

Carrot Cake disrupted my inward conversation. "I don't suppose you'd be happy to babysit again next week, would you?"

Does Undertale have a fanbase the size of the Amazon? "Of course, I'd be more than happy to." I grinned, regarding the two energetic twins being lovingly snuggled by their mother with fondness.

Anyway, you were saying teacher?

Hm? Already addressing me as that without sarcasm?

Whether the two adult equines noticed my smirk, they didn't comment. Hey, new me, remember Starswirl? Old me would've been far more reluctant for some magic pony ghost to be his mentor, but now, considering everything you've done for me; bringing me back here, reuniting me with my second family... After sending me to Canterlot High first.

Yes, still annoyed over that.


Huh? Oh right.

"Sorry, was lost in thought." I shook my head, smiling sheepishly. "What did you say Mrs Cupcake?"

It was her husband who answered first, "We were just about to say how glad we are that you're back from your trip. From the way your friends made it sound, it gave off the impression we never would have seen you again."

Cupcake nodded. "And that certainly would've been disheartening to us all." Followed by a relieved small grin. "But we're happy you've returned now. Ponyville just wasn't the same without you. Welcome home, Stardust."

Oh, I imagine it wouldn't have changed too much in my absence. Some would say it benefited grateful without the residential critic. But the fact the townsfolk sounded so pleased to see me once more...

Well, I'm happy, for lack of better words.

I grinned myself. "Thank you. It's great to see you both again, along with Pinkie and the two enthusiastic foals currently trying to get off your limbs." That was responded with a shared chuckle between parents, gently coddling their youthful children with such loving gazes and touches.

I'm glad, myself, for how accepting you are to your life here in Equestria from hereon. The aged voice sounded amused. I must admit, the thought of you being slightly more reluctant to stay crossed my mind for a brief time.

Yeah, well... Where's Sombra, by the way? I haven't heard his daily snark yet.

The former King is resting within the depths of your mind. Resting? Even a spirit requires a moment to rejuvenate; the energy exerted to communicate much less inhabit the mind of a living being is more draining than you realize.

Poor King. I shall miss his ever-charming personality until he wakes up.

Starswirl chuckled while I excused myself from the married bakers, giving Pumpkin Pie and Pound Cake one last soft hug before leaving downstairs to the exit. In the meantime, I believe it's time we began with the proper education required to learn and exercise your full potential.

Hm? I almost paused on a step. But I thought that journey to the Dragon Lands was part of the training?

That was a situation, although we benefited from it by teaching you to combine your will with the force of balance itself. Now, it's time we give you an official induction to the ways of this style of magic. To unite the very forces of Chaos and Harmony - Light and Dark - into the realm few ponies have ever traversed.

...Alright then. If you think I'm ready... How do we start, Qui-Gon?

I pictured the pleased smile. Return to the castle, and gather your friends. They might be needed for this... Entrance exam, shall we say.

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