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Top 10 Worst Things about Modern Day Spider-Man · 2:38am Mar 9th, 2017

This list really hurts, but it's so true. :ajsleepy: This is EXACTLY why I've stopped reading the Spidey comics. The last series I read and enjoyed was Ends of the Earth, Spider Island, and Spider-Man #700. What do you all think?

The status quo of Marvel is KILLING Spider-Man's character.

Comments ( 10 )

I nodded my head at every entry, but it stung.:fluttershyouch:

He's getting the proper treatment in Spectacular Spider-Man which is coming out soon. He's going to still have a company but he's doing street level stuff instead of being Iron Man lite.

Lengthy opinion ahead... Sorry... My opinion only. I respect those who disagree.

I'm probably in the minority here... But I actually enjoy reading modern Spider-Man. I'm still buying the comics and haven't stopped and most likely never will stop unless One More Day 2 or Sin's Past 2 happens or something in that level of awfulness.

Yes, I do agree with a few points made in the video. The classic cast needs to be brought back for instance, and yes One More Day should be a low point worth mentioning to avoid. I even agree with the fact that some issues are just filler for a bigger event like the lead up to Spider-Verse. And I even agree with Peter's role in certain events and involvement with other heroes (he hasn't been useful since Avengers vs. X-Men and Age of Ultron).

Yet, I'm still entertained by the comic and the small events. I liked Spider-Island, Ends of the Earth, loved Spider-Verse, and found some enjoyment in the Clone Conspiracy despite its faulty end. I didn't like the Ghost three parter before Secret Wars though. That was bad filler and served no purpose or the Zodiac saga.

I've even read Superior Spider-Man from beginning to end, despite the initial hatred of its existence described in the video. Now some consider that to be a high point in Slott's run and it started Parker Industries, arguably one of the biggest change to the character since his marriage and OMD (probably exagerration).

Have there been better Spider-Man stories before Slott's run? Of course, I can name plenty. Do I miss street-level stories? Well yes. That's also something that needs to be addressed. There are things I like and dislike about Slott's run (no comic is flawless after all) but to me there's been more good than bad and trust me the flaws are there. I like the stakes, the writing of some characters, the villains when utilized properly like Doc Ock and Green Goblin. But filler and flat endings are the major faults.

And it's honestly better than some of the other crap Marvel's putting out right now (Ironheart, Jane Thor for no reason, a-hole Carol, a dead Bruce Banner, evil Cap after getting him back in the suit, which sounds more interesting).

I like soem dern Spidey comcis like the prequel series Spidey

:ajsleepy: So sad but true. Peter and MJ's relationship has been pushed away further and further, Black Cat holds a petty grudge against Peter and turned from occasional ally to unlikable villain since Superior Spider-Man, and just when things start to go up for Peter, they just go back down the drain. Personally, I feel the main Spider-Man comics has been losing its charm since One More Day. Hell, I even felt Clone Conspiracy was a bit of a letdown. It started with a interesting concept, but towards its climax it came out as nothing more than a big middle-finger to the comic readers. Its like the writers have forgotten what Spider-Man and everything about him really means to us.
Sure there have been some good stories like the ones you mentioned above and Spider-Verse, and that some good characters and alternate comics come out in the later years like Spider-Gwen and Renew Your Vows. But Marvel really needs to get their act together and give Spidey the proper treatment he deserves in the main comics.

You know how they used to say "/b is the cancer that is killing /b"? Well, let's amend that to, "Marvel is the cancer that is killing Marvel." Because Spider-Man is Marvel, and unless somebody at Marvel finally wises up, realizes that the direction Spider-Man has been going is not a direction fans actually want to follow, and works to restore some semblance of sanity to the 'verse, Marvel will kill itself just like cancer. (After all, what is cancer but a body's cells turning against itself for no apparent reason?)

For the record, I don't mind all the new legacy characters, I even like that a few of them are actually long-term supporting cast members stepping into the original heroes' shoes and having to face the same struggles as they did, but from a different angle or perspective and with their own challenges compared to the originals. I also like the idea of putting characters in different situations or different status quos and exploring how they would react and cope. However, I don't like situations that are rife with potential for great characterization getting squandered or ruined because the writers involved don't seem to understand all that well what actually made the characters work and have little or no regard for what's been established by past writers. Even worse, they seem to believe that the more radical and controversial a plot development is, the better it is, because that's what gets people talking and buying, even if their talking is mostly from outrage and disgust and there isn't so much buying anymore.

Oh, and by the way, if Peter is "emotionally, 15" as Dan Slott once put it to a fan asking how old Peter was, that's on him for how he sees Peter, but since he's the one writing Peter in the first place . . .

4449674 Exactly, Peter is 28 in canon at this point, but he's as mature as a teenager. Really, Peter is no different NOW than he was when he FIRST got the spider powers. That is a HORRIBLE mindset for the writer to adapt. Spider-Man made his claim as the first youngster hero to step out on his own and NOT be a sidekick. I get that's what made him popular in the first place, and since then we watched him actually grow and mature over the years- going from high school to college. He even married, and we were there with him as he GREW.

However, the geniuses at Marvel, I guess felt complacent. They thought Peter's troubles had ended, despite Peter remaining unique as a growing family man. "Married couples have NO problems." Um... BULLSHIT. Every couple can attest that there's ALWAYS challenges to be had, and they aren't in the Marvel universe. There were many story possibilities that they could have explored. I mean, hell. There were MANY ways they could have broken up the marriage: killing off MJ, a divorce, or ANYTHING NOT INVOLVING A DEAL WITH THE FUCKING DEVIL.

I digress. I'm not saying EVERYTHING has been bad in Modern Spider-Man. Ends of the Earth remains a personal favorite arc for me. Superior Spider-Man was.. a unique experience, but I mainly hated it because it was an excuse to retcon Peter's life once again when he eventually came back. Spider Island and Spider Verse, while flawed in their own ways, were FUN, and that's why we love Spider-Man stories. They're grounded and serious... but FUN at the same time.

Plus, the deal-breaker is Peter's disconnect from all the heroes. Spider-Man's biggest draw is his ability to team with literally ANY hero and form a believable and organic relationship with them. Add in his own family, and Peter was a super likable guy on all cylinders. Nowadays, he's not connected to ANYONE. If anything, he's more worried about his company than his friends and family. Plus, there's that. While I appreciate Peter not being broke anymore, he's turned into Tony Stark Lite and Not-as-Broody Bruce Wayne Lite with the millions of dollars. I find him with a decent enough job (like his old job at Horizon or a school teacher) to where he can make a living and support himself far easier to relate to than a billionaire.

I'm ranting. By the end of the day, MARVEL is to blame, and right now, they're KILLING their poster child. These would be dark days for Peter Parker if not for the MCU.

I think I have to disagree with the point of not interacting with other characters. While yes his previous superfriend zone is cleared out with most of them being dead (Logan and Tony), or inactive/far away (Fantastic Four), since SW2 they have started to build new connections.
First, and foremost he is in the new avengers lineup which if that isn't at least building camaraderie I don't know what is.
Second, there is the ongoing Spiderman Deadpool comic series which is lirerally about making friends with anither superhero.
Third, there are also some relationships that while not as built up as the previously mentioned do have some groundwork laid such as Miles, his current connection with SHIELD, and his connection with the ither members of the "Spider Family" such as Silk or Spider-Gwen (though they should wait a bit for that one since she is currently in the middle of a crossover with Miles and just finished one with Silk, so they should focus on building her as just her) or finally have him do something with Flash Venom.

Pretty much all the characters are being butchered by Marvel. Spiderman just seems to be getting the worst of it.

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