• Member Since 7th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen January 4th

Cardinal Dan Productions

I love to write, I love to read, and I love this community! If there's a story I want to read that doesn't exist yet, I'll write it myself.

More Blog Posts25

  • 206 weeks
    Updates on ‘Mal’

    Howdy, readers of Patriot Pony productions. After a short talk with ‘loveslove’, the artist behind the picture used as the cover art for ‘Mal’, I’ve decided to put the story on hold until I can find a replacement. I the meantime, I will continue writing and working on other concepts that I hope you will enjoy. :twilightblush:

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  • 251 weeks
    ***Cover Artist Needed***

    Hello fans and viewers of Patriot Pony Productions. If you’ve just finished reading my most recently completed story S.P.A.R.K.S. then you’ll know I’m working on ideas for a sequel, but I’m missing something very important, cover art. If there are any talented artists out there who would like to work with me to create a piece of cover art for this new story, please respond to this blog post or

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    2 comments · 386 views
  • 292 weeks
    You’re Invited!

    Hello, all readers and fans who like my works. I have just recently created my very own Discord server with some members of my writing team, and you are invited. Discussions can be about almost anything, but we mostly talk about the creative process that goes into building great stories for you to read. The link to my server is just below, so if you have Discord and are interested in talking with

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  • 294 weeks
    —-Big Changes Ahead—-

    As you can see, Waffen Pony is now Patriot Pony Productions. I want to do more, write more, and create more and to do all of that, I need your help. If y’all like what I do just as much as I like doing it, please consider visiting my ko-fi page here and showing some support through donations. It’s your love and support that keeps me writing all of the

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    1 comments · 425 views
  • 296 weeks
    Thank you!

    Wow, I cannot believe that Slippery When Wet turned out to be as big of a hit as it was. It’s been on the top of the Feature page all day, still going strong. I don’t think it’s ever happened to me before, and it’s all because of y’all. Thank y’all so much for liking my stories and continuing to read them over the years. It’s because of you, the readers, that I write and produce stories from my

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Fool's Gold: Characters · 6:04am Dec 17th, 2016

Amethyst: Strong in heart and will, Amethyst does what she believes to be right, even when others may not agree with her.

Onyx: Stern and hard-headed, Onyx follows the Royal Guard's code to the letter, though he has a soft spot for his charge, Amethyst.

Amber: Loyal and caring, Amber is never far from Amethyst's side.

Pyrite: A young changeling with a role she doesn't even know she's meant to play. Taken and raised by Amethyst, she strives to share the love given to her by the ponies that raise her.

Silvershield: Outwardly appearing to be aggressive and rash, Silvershield holds an unnatural hatred for Pyrite and will stop at nothing to see the barracks rid of her, but are this stallion's motives really as they appear to be?

Report Cardinal Dan Productions · 324 views · Story: Fool's Gold ·
Comments ( 1 )

Gotta love a character list.

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