Fool's Gold: Characters · 6:04am Dec 17th, 2016
Amethyst: Strong in heart and will, Amethyst does what she believes to be right, even when others may not agree with her.
Onyx: Stern and hard-headed, Onyx follows the Royal Guard's code to the letter, though he has a soft spot for his charge, Amethyst.
Amber: Loyal and caring, Amber is never far from Amethyst's side.
Pyrite: A young changeling with a role she doesn't even know she's meant to play. Taken and raised by Amethyst, she strives to share the love given to her by the ponies that raise her.
Silvershield: Outwardly appearing to be aggressive and rash, Silvershield holds an unnatural hatred for Pyrite and will stop at nothing to see the barracks rid of her, but are this stallion's motives really as they appear to be?
Gotta love a character list.