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  • 538 weeks
    Completely stressed out

    Between not getting killed by corrupt police officers or retaliating drug dealers, working on my thesis (a meta-analysis of headaches in neurocysticercosis; if you happen to stumble upon any articles, I'd be much obliged), completely quitting smoking (for real this time) and enduring hours upon hours of boring surgery classes (at least I managed to take a

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    The coolest, bestest, awesomest YouTube channel EVER!

    There's so much neat stuff there! Have this sample!

    Try to cross-ref with what I stated here!

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    Apple Bloom-licious

    Yeah, okay... no.

    I'mma make like an Inky Swirl and chop it.

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    Dysphoria is oficially completed!

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    Blame Owlor

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Postpartum depression · 10:15pm Sep 20th, 2012

First Stage: Baby Blues. The mother is feeling a little saddened. She will not harm the baby and will keep taking care of him/her.

Second Stage: Depression. The mother feels complete apathy towards the baby. She will not harm him, but she won't take care of him/her either. Contrary to popular belief, this is the worst stage of the three. Why? Because babies that are completely neglected often turn out to grow with severe social/emotional disorders (most likely becoming sociopaths).

Third Stage: Psychosis. The mother will blame the baby for everything that is happening to her. She will actively try to harm/kill him/her. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the worst stage of the three. Why? Because babies that are actively harmed still show signs of emotion. They miss their mother's presence... even if it comes along with physical pain.

Many mothers don't go past the first stage. Don't feel frightened.

Y'know... Gynecology and Obstetrics aren't that bad... BUT HOLY BALLS, PEDIATRIC CARE IS HARD!

Edit: Retarded comments (like featuring just an emoticon or an image) will be anally violated without prior lubricant administration. Except if iloveportalz0r makes them, in which case they won't be awarded autism points. :heart:
Worse-than-Geiger-counter: 1

Report Lucefudu · 1,168 views ·
Comments ( 22 )

Well this is the 45th most depressing thing I have ever heard.

372141 I'd like to hear about number 1. And number 7 ('cuz that's my favorite number).

Well, this made my day, not in a good way mind you but more in a 'wow, that was interesting' way

Ya my mother did some of those but never tried killing me and now i have agoraphobia

When I took psychology in high school, we got to read a short story called "the invisible child" by finnish author Tove Jansson (whom I adore, by the way, she wrote some of the most achingly beutiful childrens books out there) The story is about a child that's litterary turned invisible due to low self-esteem,
(oh, Tove Janson is a pretty good illustratoras well)
but like most good fairy tales, it' not actually about what it's about and it is a surprisngly good parable about neglected children.

372151 Well, has she reached the second stage? Still- the human psyche (instead of what those retarded behaviorists think), isn't like a mathematical equation. There are far more factors to be taken into account. Consult your friendly psychologist (I recommend one that is specialized in Gestalt Therapy; but you'll be the one making the final choice in the end) and take my words with a grain of salt.

372164 That is an interesting read and I am sure saving it for later. Also, I have a report that I must make (6 pages long, hand-written) that is about the medical-legal aspects of child abuse (physical and/or sexual). You have any good sources for me? My mom is in law school (yes, she is on college for the second time) and I borrowed one of her books about it. But I still lack a little on the "medical" department on it.
I trust you not to send me a link on Wikipedia. :rainbowlaugh:
(No, seriously, my teacher wants at least three trusty bibliographical sources.

Also: Interesting how the European culture likes to expose kids to the knowledge of suffering and death at an early age. I very much like this aspect and I also think that it's highly beneficial to the child's healthy mental development.


7) All scientific and religious theories agree that eventually the Universe will cease to exist, making everything to ever happen ultimately pointless in this physical plane.

The reason I put 7 first is because 1 is the most depressing version of the Universe ending to date.

1) Cold Ones - A hypothetical construct of sheer mental torture. Some species at some point in the history of the Universe, possibly in a bid to escape its end, achieved a state of self-sustained perpetual disembodied intellect, possibly as a way to survive through a Universal rebirth or new birth. But that's not what happens. Instead it's the Entrpic Dead of the Universe. All mater has broken down. All potential energy has been expressed. There is literally nothing left in the Universe. No heat, no light, no sound, no matter, no reference point to anything, not even energy particles or waves. Just nothing. The intellects, if they are even remotely lucky, can communicate with each other. This will only stave off madness for so long though. Eventually there will be literally nothing left to think, imagine, or discuss. They will continue existing. Forever. Trapped for all eternity with absolute nothingness and no means of escape ever.

Second Stage: Depression. The mother feels complete apathy towards the baby. She will not harm him, but she won't take care of him/her either. Contrary to popular belief, this is the worst stage of the three. Why? Because babies that are completely neglected often turn out to grow with severe social/emotional disorders (most likely becoming sociopaths).

If I told you that this is essentially exactly how my mother is/was and how I turned out, would you be able to tell me to what extent I'm perma-fucked?
She was essentially a nurse up to me being nine years old (stage one) but has since shown only stage two, and that divorce thing is still on the burner. Apparently law requires one year of ''separation period'', where essentially bugger all changes other than it being srs bsns. I'm having a large amount of worrying fun being sarcastic and abrasive as possible towards her.

372291 Kind of selfish thought: I'll be done long³²¹²³²¹²¹²¹³ dead and gone before that happens.

372296 Well... since it didn't happen during the puerperal period, you wouldn't be perma-fucked (as you yourself can see, since you have emotions). But still, 9 years old is a pretty young age to be neglected by one's mother. Therapy will (probably) solve any problems, Muzzy, but I can't say with 100% certainty. :applejackunsure:

372301 I've been shown to reject most therapy nearly 90% of the time, with the other 10% being me finding ways to screw with the therepist. Apparently a sadistic smirk is an improvement over a deadened frown.

372304 True, it is. It shows a sign of emotion, while a dead stare communicates only apathy. Strangely enough, there is more hope for the violent than for the depressed (some opinions and sources may differ). But one thing is certain, Muzz: Therapy only works if the patient is willing to make it work. I think that your 90% should be 0% and your 10% should become 100%. Even unconsciously, you might've been unwilling to improve your condition.
PS: Drug therapy?

Yeah, with stuff like that selfishness kinda acts like a defense mechanism. It's why you don't notice things like 1:320 people go missing every year, a similar loss ratio to that of large herd animals losing members to predators. Or that on average a person starves to death every 8 seconds. In the time I took to write this paragraph up to this point 14 people have starved to death. You can ignore all that because it doesn't affect you or those you care about. Apathy and selfishness help keep you sane. 18 people.

Well... The more you know.

I can't think of anything witty to say. I'm sorry. :twilightsheepish:

For some reason, this interests me. Hmmm

Although I've still felt like garbage depression-wise and sort of feel like that now (as per what I've said in my recent blog posts), I guess this does really put things in perspective. I'm glad to have had a 'MyBelovedSmother'-type parent who was/is irritatingly controlling and meddling but also was/is clearly caring-- a mother in the 'I can't believe we're not Jewish' sense. ("I called you and you didn't answer for a whole forty-five minutes!" / "But you're not leaving this house with toenails that long!" / "Trim that little area between your eyebrows already!" co-exists with "Oh, hey, let me make sure you have gas." / "Take the extra donuts to work with you." / "Love you, [my name]" *hug* / "You short? Here, have a $20. Don't let lack of coffee give you another migraine.")

But that kind of goes without saying having been partly raised by just her (until my step-dad came into our lives at around age 6-ish {I think}) and also being someone with a very inherently autistic / socially anxious / doormat / insecure personality-- someone really considered as retarded and worthless by public school systems (although thank Christ for Maria Montessori education and John Holt 'unschooling'). So I suppose my Mom really took to the 'mama wolf' cliche a bit.

Goodness, I am lucky compared to all of those people raised by long-time cold-acting parents. *I feel somehow a bit... I don't know, almost 'content' now*

Hmmm... makes me think of how so many people have told me to seek therapy but I never have-- in large part caused by having been raised so skeptical of those soulless bureaucratic institutions from my parents and friends etc. I wonder about my lobotomized great aunt and other people.

I probably will cave myself and go to therapy at some point. I expect it to be like a hamster running up a little wheel, with nothing constructive happening expect me losing money.

372449 Personal experience: When you're doing therapy with someone who isn't a leech looking out for your money and nothing else, it is very good and burden-relieving. If not, it causes more bad than good... so caution is always advised. I suggest going with an open mind, Swipes.
(When I say therapy, I mean psychologists, not psychiatrists. All psychiatrists do these days if prescribe pills for this and pills for that. I'm hoping to change that.)

I just-- don't want to do it!

Ugh, I just regard going to one as almost like... like... damn, it just seems like the thing that I would least like to do in my entire life. Like I would rather do X, Y, Z horrible things first than having to go through that awfulness.

And I suppose I'm at the point where if I were to sit in therapy my instinct would be to utterly hate the person there and actively attack them for the whole thirty minutes of whatever-- standing up above them and turning red in the face while clenching my hands together. (I know already that this is a form of acting out personal insecurity, the desire of wanting to stand over people and look down on them is a reflection of having a small/weak/helpless inner image of yourself).

>All psychiatrists do these days if prescribe pills for this and pills for that.
Yeah, seriously! :pinkiesick:

>I'm hoping to change that.
Well, hope it all works out.

I suppose I've already told so much to you and Muzz and everyone else through multiple posts here (and stories themselves) that someone could even diagnose me things already... hell... :duck:

*clears throat, stands, approaches the woman*

*Smack! Smack! Smacksmacksmack!!*

"Get a hold of yourself and look at it. It is yours, created by love and intimacy for anotehr, if you start blaming that for what is happenign you, start neglecting it, that only means you are a lesser woman! Hold your pride like a real person would! Let this opportunity go down the drain, and you will suffer worse than you could imagine!"

Point made, I can see very many ways I could become a psychiatrist. Granted, I would probably beat the snot out of a few patients, pansies, good fer nothin baffoons, delinquents. Who said that violence was never the right way to show something right? That, and well thought out input by yours truly. Analyze the hell out fo the situation, say what is needed to be said, and fi they don't get it, administer a hard slap to the face. Pimp slaps work better than bitch slaps. Gott keep ya pimp han strong. Knockign some sense into another person, within reason, can help a lot mroe than jsut talking to them.

"awarded autism points"


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