• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.

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  • 5 weeks
    Happy New Year!

    2025, don't disappoint me.

    2 comments · 30 views
  • 6 weeks
    The Haul from 2024

    1. Sabaton Heroes T-shirt
    2. What do you Meme - Family Edition
    3. New bedsheets
    4. New Shaving Razor
    5. 2 pairs of max-grade protective earplugs
    6. New desk mat
    7. Socks and underwear (which I need)
    8. Long stretch t-shirts
    9. A tackle box of gummy candy

    And best of all…a JFK silver dollar from my late grandfather.

    Overall, best Christmas in quite some time!

    0 comments · 34 views
  • 6 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Or Festivus, or Chrysler, or whatever you celebrate!

    1 comments · 30 views
  • 10 weeks

    [you've got to find something better to do with your time.]

    Practice what you preach, Mr. "I have to insult people to feel better about myself, because I'm a toxic incel."

    Glass House!

    [well, that just goes to show that you're even more...distasteful then I realized]

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    5 comments · 169 views
  • 10 weeks
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    So, yeah. Happy Turkey day, guys and girls.

    I'm currently in Jacksonville, FL, because we're spending Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family. So far, everything's been great. I also hope to have a few new chapters published soon. I admit, I've been neglecting my writing because of life, gaming, and vacation stuff.

    However, I have plenty of ideas for where things can go from here.

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    2 comments · 32 views

Saturdays (Not the weekend, the Family) · 4:10pm Oct 24th, 2016

I'm getting a new story developed.

Get psyched, as it is a crossover.

But with what?

I'll let this suffice.

Who's heard of this TV show?

Comments ( 9 )

I've seen a few episodes of that show, never fully got into it

4269305 It's a good show. I really enjoyed it. It's on a cartoon site that I like, so I binged watched it, and got the idea for this.

Oh, yeah, I do. It's a good show, and is well worth a look if you haven't seen it before.

Never seen a crossover fic of it here, though.

4269310 Exactly. Why shouldn't there be one? AN dI think that I'm the guy to write it.

4269322 Yeppers, on both counts.

And indeed.

Let me know when you have it up, okay? I loved that show, and I'd love to read your fic on it.

4269403 I'm writing as we comment.

The first chapter or the prologue features a Cheescake run. but no spoilers here.

4269461 Okay, cool.

Really? That sounds pretty interesting.

And that's good.

SOME spoilers I can deal with, others I can't.


4270081 Glad to see someone's excited!

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