My daughter just took her first step!! · 9:51pm Sep 2nd, 2016
First one without holding onto anything!! Sure, it was maybe about 3-4 inches, and she fell onto her bum right afterwards, but still!
Twelve days until her first birthday...already. How did that get behind me so fast...??
On an related sister is due to have her son any day now and I could not be more excited!!!
Rockin'. Did they announce name?
4187953 I found out via phone call from my sister months ago that it was a boy. As for name. I only found out by Twitter. (damn sister....) Anyways his name will be Prince Amir Muhammad Allie.
That's great to hear mate! I'm glad joy has entered you're heart through you're child. And hopefully one day it may grow.
Don't blink, or she'll grow up on you.
awww, congrats! Happy early birthday to her!