• Member Since 12th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 16th, 2021

Infinity Shade

Oh this sleepy little town, nearly ashes on the ground. I'll leave it all behind, even thoughts of you and I... So I tell you now; Goodbye :heart:

More Blog Posts368

  • 391 weeks

    I feel kinda bad but not really for not saying this earlier, but anyway, I've left this website. (Only saying this because of the PMs, that I sadly won't reply to because I do not want to use this website at all anymore.) If you want to find me, I'm on both DA and Instagram.

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  • 400 weeks
    Art raffle!

    I was going to but totally forgot before haha! I'm holding a small art raffle over at DA, so check it out if you want the chance to win some free art!
    That's all, hope everyone's having a nice weekend!:twilightsmile:

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  • 402 weeks

    I don't even remember how long it's been haha:twilightsmile:
    As always, how is everyone? I should really reply to all those PMs that have piled upXD
    Anyway, some people have wondered why I'm gone, so here's an official little rant lol!

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  • 410 weeks
    Art advice and WIP!

    Soooooooooouuu...first of all, JUMIN FROM MM IS MIIIIINE, just fyi.
    Anyway! I've stumbled upon a great thingy for learning art a few days ago so I thought it's be a good idea to share!:heart:

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  • 411 weeks
    Hahahahahai again! (I'M ALIVE)

    I said I was going to be more active here and well....oopsie?:twilightsheepish::rainbowlaugh:

    Really doe, school is A SHIP this year! A ship full of responsibility and hawt guys!:trollestia:
    Seriously talking, I've been quite busy acting like the class rep, and getting ready to possibly apply to the student council board!:raritystarry:

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Hello again? · 7:47pm Aug 17th, 2016

Hehe, I have completely forgotten to post anything here in ages:rainbowlaugh:
But well, how is life? And should I be more active on fimmy again?:rainbowlaugh:

Report Infinity Shade · 319 views ·
Comments ( 30 )

Hiya! Life's good. How about you? :twilightsmile:

Heyya! Life's been going okay. And yes you should definitely be more active! :pinkiehappy:

Hey! Been a while, yeah.
Life has been life.
Yes you should.
How are ya?

4154861 Hi! That's great!:pinkiehappy: I've been pretty busy, but everything is good so nothing to complain about:twilightsmile:

4154865 Yay!:yay:
Haha okay, I'll do that then:rainbowlaugh:

4154871 Yeah, sorry for not answering your PM btw! I've gotten many, but sadly had no possibility of replying then!:twilightsheepish:
I'm good, thanks! And you?

I would love to see you back. How are you?

Heya, how ya doing?

4154877 Sounds good. Life can get busy, but it helps to keep you on your toes. :twilightsmile:

Just log on when you feel like it, you're not obliged to do it.

4154881 It's alright, I actually don't even remember it.

*glomps* yay your back!! How has your vacation been? How is life in general? :yay:

Come back, come back, to ponies we will take you!

4154889 Good, thanks, And you?:twilightsmile:

4154909 Yeah, that's very true:rainbowlaugh:

4156484 I've been very bad, but I'm okay, so it's okay

4154993 :rainbowlaugh:
My vacation was great and life is good:twilightsmile: How about you?

4155222 I'm good thanks:twilightsmile: Nothing to say sorry for, that's just how life is:rainbowlaugh:

4156488 Aw, why so bad? Happy to hear you're okay now though:applejackconfused:

I'm good! Glad your good :pinkiehappy:

4156495 depression. School. General shit

Hello friend!

I think it'd be nice if you were on more

4156489 Decent but still alive :twilightsmile:

I'm doing well thank you :twilightsmile: How about you?

I would like to see more posts of yours, but if you have stuff going on in life, then I understand, but yeah

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