• Member Since 18th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2018

SS Nomad

More Blog Posts12

  • 327 weeks
    An apology

    Inspiration's a flash.
    You're hit, you commit, and you write it.
    But then what next?

    So now you've got some fans.
    The watchers, the judges, those waiting.
    A flash is brief.

    So you struggle and plot.
    Hope your one hit can carry the album.
    It begins, the doubt.

    Find a way to stall time.
    Excuses, delays, and side projects.
    They're beginning to circle.

    And then it's too much.

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    10 comments · 1,184 views
  • 359 weeks
    Whelp. That was... longer than I wished it to be...

    So... Yeah.

    Sorry I vanished like that, I'm sure... that wasn't exactly the best of stories to write before going dark for a while. Hope I didn't leave anyone too worried about me. I was going through a pretty rough and busy patch of my life for a while there, struggling with some things, and it had a dramatic effect on my ability to just... sit down and write.

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    2 comments · 658 views
  • 382 weeks
    Happy New Year, Everyone: On Delays and Resolutions

    Wow, has it really been that long? Shit.

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    2 comments · 478 views
  • 391 weeks
    Wow, life gets busy fast, don't it?

    Just thought I'd say hi and let everyone know what's been going on on my end. As I'm sure has been noted, my update rate has dropped like mad due to a mixture of work, romance, important internet spaceship business, and other such nonsense. I'm doing what I can to get back in the grove of writing regularly, but a bit of my usual creative spark is lacking recently due to expending a lot of it on

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    0 comments · 388 views
  • 398 weeks
    Still alive, I promise

    For those of you not watching my side stories and seeing the occasional updates come out, I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still writing. I got kinda sidetracked with employment, relationships, and catching Zika for a bit there, but I'm still around. Just gotta get back in a schedule of writing again and throw out more content. Also there's the audio-drama I've been helping out with, but

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    1 comments · 377 views

Thank you all so, so much · 1:35pm Jun 11th, 2016

When I finally decided to upload Photo Dash, I naturally had fantasies about it being hugely successful, but my hopes were much more restrained. Now, with it getting a bigger public response than I can really process, I'm just in shock. I've been seeing some repeated questions in the comments, so I figured I'd address a few here for risk of the answers getting buried if I use the comment section.

"When will we get more chapters/what is the update schedule?"

By far the most common question. I'm currently trying to get very serious about my writing, and if I stay on task I can probably do a couple chapters a week of writing. Of course, by that I mean total writing, and I have more projects than just Photo Dash. In addition to that, I'm currently working with an editor who honestly has things to be doing other than reading my horse words, and I can't fault her for that. The end result being that it'd be hard for me to set a strict schedule of updates, but you should expect content coming to you soon. At the very least, the next chapter draft will be done today.

"Did you say, 'more projects?'"

Why yes I did! Excellent reading comprehension, imaginary reader! I'm currently pouring my efforts into a second fic that should be ready for the lime light shortly. It travels a more worn narrative path than my first, but should have my signature all over it. I'm wholeheartedly expecting it to flop, mostly as just some sort of cosmic balance for my success so far, but you should be seeing it shortly to make up your own minds. Expect the start of my next story, 12 Years Ago in Canterlot, some time next week.

As was implied, I'll be around and writing a lot in the upcoming weeks, save for a hiatus to attend Bronycon, so expect updates and feel free to contact me with questions or anything, really. Thank you all so much for reading and I look forward to writing more for everyone!

Report SS Nomad · 355 views · Story: Photo Dash · #Schedule #releases #questions
Comments ( 7 )

Nice! Looking forward to more horse words from you.

You do a great job at writing dialogue, most stories here have the dialogue be basically glorified exposition banter with "X is Y because Z" being the formula and your scenes transition quite well.

Your writing style is honestly some of the more entertaining ones and you couldn't have picked a better plot to make it shine.

Just make sure you take a break from writing every now and then to not burn yourself out.

and your doing great! just remember to take a break every once in a while like 4015547 said and you'll be golden! also, and i don't mean to dishearten you, just because this project got popular may not mean your other projects will be okay? that doesn't mean people wont still want to read your other projects OR that they wont get popular either!
finally, have fun with it! if this starts to feel like work take a break or do something you think might be fun to write!
TL;DR - have fun! doing great! :yay:

You should not need an editor for coherent chapters. You can publish the chapter and edit it with corrections later. That's the big advantage of an online medium. Unless you are barely literate in English, you should not need a person to check your grammar. I only need spellcheck.

4019456 Better have an editor rather than not. Badly edited fics, while understandable, are a pain to read. And even if it's unnecessary, it's better to be safe.


Yeah, since this story has been in my mind for many years now, I want to make sure I do the absolute best with it that I can.
There have actually already been meaningful results from the editing, from making scenes more clear to the ideas for entire character arcs, so I'll stick with it.

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