• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2023


A guy with too much time on his hands. Enjoys writing and over-analyzing things.

More Blog Posts109

  • 432 weeks

    So for those of you following my latest story, I just wanted to let everybody know that the next chapter will be delayed a bit for three reasons:

    1. It's basically the climactic chapter, so it'll take longer to put together.

    2. This Monday I leave on vacation and probably won't be able to get much writing done.

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  • 475 weeks
    Okay so here's what's up.

    1. I have the first chapter of a new thing up. I've had the idea literally bouncing around in my head for years and I figured I'd finally try to write it. It's not a super-complicated project or anything, but I figured I'd try something new after my other story was suffering writer's block.

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  • 504 weeks
    Chapter 3

    Yeah, just letting everybody know I got the first draft done. Will hopefully have it up in the next few days.

    In the meantime, have this:

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  • 506 weeks
    Yes, I'm still alive.

    Sorry for the delay. The next chapter ended up being longer than I anticipated. It's nearing completion, it's just taking some extra time. At least you'll be getting more content after the wait.

    Have this while you wait for me to finish it up.

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  • 512 weeks

    The first draft of chapter 2 is finally done and undergoing editing. If anybody wants to help proofread, PM me or something.

    Eesh, this one was rough for some reason.

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This is kinda random · 12:02am Sep 3rd, 2012

Okay this is sort of random, but I figured I'd toss this out: in between writing A Delicate Balance chapters, I've been messing around with another goofy little side story and I was thinking of polishing it up a bit and publishing it. To that end, I thought I'd just throw this out there and ask if anybody wants to take a swing at proofreading it for me. And I'm just going to say ahead of time that it's largely a (non-shipping) fluff thing; I basically work on it in between to give myself a break from the more dramatic stuff in my main story. Think more along the lines of Lyra's Lousy Day or Pinkie Bulks Up, than A Delicate Balance. If you're willing to take a shot at it, let me know in the comments and I'll pm you the draft. If not, I'll just bug my regular proofreaders until they look at it for me.

In other news, I'm making progress on chapter 5. I'm going to have fun with this one, especially given certain comments on the previous chapter. This is going to be interesting.

And to keep this post from being too boring, I took part in EQD's Newbie Artist Training grounds. I had never drawn a pony before in my life. Prompt #16 was "Draw a romantic pony", and it was kinda inevitable that I had to draw TwiJack. It's hardly an awesome drawing, but I think it turned out okay. Also, this doesn't depict any particular scene in the story, so it isn't a spoiler:

The page for the picture is here.

Report JapaneseTeeth · 630 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

That drawing is adorable. Can't wait for chapter 5, mate. :twilightsmile:

Shit...that's a seriously bad ass drawing. Maybe you can draw more?

I'd be willing to proofread. Also, that's a pretty darn good drawing, if I do say so myself. Can't wait for chapter 5.


Yeah, the drawing induced a d'awwww. As for the new fic, I might try proofreading it. I like to think I'm pretty decent at catching errors, cleaning up punctuation and grammar, that kind of stuff. How long is it, and can you give me a synopsis?

I'll be happy to proofread. I've done it for a friends story before and I've come to think I'm not half bad at it.
And the picture is pretty cute too.

I'd be happy to proofread for ya, depending on how long the piece is.

I'd love to proof read for you.

Awesome, once I get the opening bit up on google docs I'll pm everybody with the link. The piece isn't very long (~4000) at the moment, and I'm not in any rush, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem for anybody.

Also, glad to hear you guys like the picture. I'm hardly a great artist, but I thought someone might like it.

Okay, I'm pretty sure I got the link sent to all of you. If I missed somebody, let me know and I'll send it again.

My Deviantart Scrapbook has the rest of my doodles.

I like it. I also like ADB. So this is double like.

Well if my opinion is of any worth, I'm willing to take a stab, but I've been reviewing a lot of stories lately as well as working on my own so not sure when I'll be able to get to it

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