• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2023


A guy with too much time on his hands. Enjoys writing and over-analyzing things.

More Blog Posts109

  • 428 weeks

    So for those of you following my latest story, I just wanted to let everybody know that the next chapter will be delayed a bit for three reasons:

    1. It's basically the climactic chapter, so it'll take longer to put together.

    2. This Monday I leave on vacation and probably won't be able to get much writing done.

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    2 comments · 956 views
  • 471 weeks
    Okay so here's what's up.

    1. I have the first chapter of a new thing up. I've had the idea literally bouncing around in my head for years and I figured I'd finally try to write it. It's not a super-complicated project or anything, but I figured I'd try something new after my other story was suffering writer's block.

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  • 500 weeks
    Chapter 3

    Yeah, just letting everybody know I got the first draft done. Will hopefully have it up in the next few days.

    In the meantime, have this:

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  • 501 weeks
    Yes, I'm still alive.

    Sorry for the delay. The next chapter ended up being longer than I anticipated. It's nearing completion, it's just taking some extra time. At least you'll be getting more content after the wait.

    Have this while you wait for me to finish it up.

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  • 508 weeks

    The first draft of chapter 2 is finally done and undergoing editing. If anybody wants to help proofread, PM me or something.

    Eesh, this one was rough for some reason.

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Okay so here's what's up. · 6:12pm Oct 25th, 2015

1. I have the first chapter of a new thing up. I've had the idea literally bouncing around in my head for years and I figured I'd finally try to write it. It's not a super-complicated project or anything, but I figured I'd try something new after my other story was suffering writer's block.

2. New stuff will be coming, but not for a bit. Mainly because I'm planning to take a swing at NaNoWriMo again this year. I managed it last year and I want to see if I can pull it off again.

3. Once that's done, I plan on finally getting back to work on A Route Obscure and Lonely. After thinking about other stuff for a few months, I should be back in a state of mind to get that moving again.

So that is the plan. Sorry I've been quiet for so long.

Report JapaneseTeeth · 773 views · Story: Octaves ·
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