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Bucking Nonsense

A Little Nonsense Now And Then Is Relished By The Wisest Men.

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  • 187 weeks
    I Came Back To Post One Little Thing, Then I'll Leave Again

    I had mentioned before that a book called The Last Centurion had largely read like an opposite day prophecy about 2020. I thought I'd mention a little factoid about the book, due to recent events. Scroll down for a spoiler.

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  • 193 weeks
    I Deleted My Last Blog Post... Again

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  • 196 weeks
    I Deleted My Most Recent Blog Post

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  • 201 weeks
    I've Got A Book I Want To Discuss With You Guys

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The next chapter is about halfway done. · 9:26pm May 6th, 2016

Sorry folks, it is hot today, so I won't be able to finish it today like I planned. Don't worry, I plan on having it ready sunday.

Comments ( 25 )


I am mildly jealous of you, as it is so goddamn cold in here, I actually got a cold.

3925272 No! All glory to the Hypnotoad!

3925285 Drink lots of water, plenty of vitamins, you know the routine.

Looking forward to a new installment from the Buckster, who somehow makes grim/dark amusing.

Lately, I've had these random blurbs of inspiration for chapter titles:
THE OVERGOAT COMMANDS YOU....to do his grocery shopping.
THE OVERGOAT WILL DESTROY YOU....once he gets out of the restroom

3925645 Yeah, it's not really a big deal, but I have a feeling I will wish this weather back in the summer.

3926922 Usually the way of it, yeah.

I'm hoping to see more of Honey Butter the Accidental Alicorn, to be honest.

3927095 I'd love to see her interacting with the princesses. Just an oblivious loyal-to-alleged-evil alicorn trying to talk about the glory of the Overgoat to Celestia sounds hilarious.

3927100 It does indeed. He's still acting more or less like Grogar, at least on the surface, but he is also doing some good, so it would be awkward as all Tartarus.

Also, imagine the shock, horror, and general panic of the Princesses when they realize Grogar can actively create Alicorns.

3927120 That for one, and Honey just not understanding why the other alicorns are panicking so much, as her lord is quite swell. You know, now that I think about it, the "create an alicorn spell" can be even more hilarious considering the S6 opener.

Also, Grogar should send a few ponies for intelligence gathering, the plight of those could be funny as well. Everybody will probably accuse them of being changelings because of their obliviousness of being a pony:D. Of course when it gets revealed that they are from Tambelon, the princesses will obviously take them to the palace to help them overcome their "Indoctrination from the evilest of evils"

3927130 Yeah. She's extolling the glory that is Lord Grogar, and they're flipping out, and she...has no idea why. I imagine her blind loyalty would even trouble the man himself, to an extent.

Also, I have not seen the Se6 opener, but do tell what you mean.

The funniest part of that would be when it becomes clear, from speaking to said ponies, just how many ponies are in Tambelon; eight hundred thousands as of the last census centuries ago, likely millions presently.


Also, I have not seen the Se6 opener, but do tell what you mean.

I don't think I'm spoiling too many thing here as it was mentioned in the trailer, and it's at the start of the eisode anyways, but tagged just to be safe.
Simply it was mentioned that every alicorn have to earn their status (even Tia and Luna), and everyone freaks out when the Pretty Princess of Product Placement is born as an alicorn. (Also, holy crow that must've been an enjoyable birth)

The funniest part of that would be when it becomes clear, from speaking to said ponies, just how many ponies are in Tambelon; eight hundred thousands as of the last census centuries ago, likely millions presently.

And quite a few of them are military pones. Yeah, it would be fun.

3927151 Cadence must have been a joy to deal with once it was done. :twilightoops:

A joy, I tell you!

As to the story...

Celestia and the others are trying to convince the poor thing to stay in Equestria...

"We can protect you from him, darling. You don't have to go back!"

"Protect me from what? Why would I not want to go back? He just gave me my own bedroom and everything."

3927160 Correction: Gave her a new bed in his bedroom *nudge-nudge wink-wink*.
Or gave her pancakes. That's probably the best argument one can have. I mean, seriously, those were so good, she basically orgasmed to alicornhood from them!
Do you think that is how Cadence ascended?

3927164 Yeah, a new bedroom. It just happens to also be his bedroom. :ajsmug:

Also, it would be hilarious, outright pee-my-pants funny, if the misconception arose that the pancakes had something to do with it.

3927167 I'm actually hoping this silly conversation will give some ideas to our beloved author.

3927170 Maybe, maybe not. I just want to see the new installment.

Honey Butter's remaining scar might also cause some freaking out among the Princesses, especially if/when they ask after it and learn it is simply the legacy of much worse.

3927173 Didn't that disappear after her ascension? First the healing made it small, then it all out disappeared. Or do I have to reread it again?

3927175 I think she still has one scar, just one thin and clean one, left of all the nastiness she was sporting before.

3927177 Aha, found it! I was right! Mwahahahahaaaa!

I did notice one thing at this point that I had not noticed before: The scar on her face was completely gone. There wasn't even a trace of it anymore.

(knows what he is doing chapter).
Also, read about not having maple syrup in the castle. That is important to remedy for future kinkyness pancakes.
Also, honey will need someone to teach her magic and flying, so toss her out to observe bookhoers while she teaches her. And of course stealthily slipping stuff to Grogar.

3927217 Excellent! Though to be honest the scar still being there could have been useful for the story.

As to the syrup? Forget kink! To eat pancakes without syrup is a crime against pancakes!

3927243 Well, I personally never tasted those american-style pancakes, let alone maple syrupped ones, so I have no idea about the truth factor of your statement, but I will defer to your judgement here.
Also Honey is a tiny bit more psychotic than the rest of the ponies, (slavery and watching Grogar doing necromancy) so that can cause some extra sheanigans. Oh, my god, make her talk with Pinkie!

3927254 Not necessarily psychotic, but certainly numb. Thing that make other ponies spazz out in fear, she basically just goes "...Meh."

And un-syrup'd pancakes are a crime! A crime, I say!

3927258 What horrors must Grogar have induced to leave such an innocent mare so broken! She doesn't even flinch when somebody refuses a hug from Pinkie! The horror!

3927494 Le gasp! She is traumatized! Assemble the army at once!

The potential for misconceptions, confusion, and hilarity here is, in itself, hilarious.

Hey, as long as you're thinking of it, and it doesn't say 'on hiatus' or 'cancelled,' I don't mind the antici .........pation. :pinkiehappy: Seriously, if you lose interest in writing a story, I'd rather read a Monty Python styled ending where, 'Oh no! They all got eaten by the monster and died,' than 'cancelled' lmao.

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