• Member Since 26th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Wednesday

Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

Profile of Retired Writer, Lapis-Lazuli, and his editor, Stitch / Inky. Thanks for the memories, FiMFiction.

More Blog Posts167

  • 155 weeks
    A Parting Glass

    It is never easy to confront when you've changed.

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    18 comments · 1,910 views
  • 160 weeks
    The Code Series - Emerald Flare, Code of Dissonance, and Unrealized Projects

    Continuing with a longstanding desire to put old works to rest, this blogpost goes over the extremely scattered notes, ideas, basic plot threads and ideas that would have taken The Code's Apprentice stories to a 5 story... conclusion of sorts.

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    8 comments · 778 views
  • 162 weeks
    The Twilight Shadow - Basic Plot Outline Spoiler for Twilight War sequel.

    As long promised, below was the full outline - along with a couple of half-finished scenes and a big prologue blurb - for The Twilight Shadow, the Penultimate "Twilight Struggle" story, and sequel to The Twilight War. These are mostly short blurbs, along with chapter names, and a general outline of the final set of events. I have other notes, but they're extremely rambly, and not terribly well

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    7 comments · 692 views
  • 255 weeks
    Looking Back

    Been a long time, hasn't it?

    I know a lot of you have probably moved on, but I figured I at least owed it to the longtime followers - and continued readers - to finally check in.

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    27 comments · 1,787 views
  • 388 weeks
    Another year passed.

    So if you're wondering where I've been, here's the short version.

    Living outside of a home of your own kinda sucks, and my new job is incredibly time and energy demanding.

    The long version takes a bit more.

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    15 comments · 2,069 views

Announcement of Error · 11:16am May 2nd, 2016

Sorry about that, folks. I was setting up a story and doing testing when I accidentally set the thing up to be published, and it ended up on the published list. I actually wasn't aware that there was now an auto-que for publishing. (Serves me right for not paying attention.) I apologize for any confusion that occurred because of this. Please stay tuned for ACTUALLY new-written stories.

Comments ( 2 )

Alright, that explains it. I'll just be over here on my tenterhooks, then.

Well, that's disappointing... I actually saw "Much Ado About Twilight Sparkle" in the listings, and decided to take a look through the previous three in the series as a result (which I quite enjoyed). After finishing those, I was looking forward to reading the new one when I saw it was gone. Ah well. (Here's hoping it goes up for real soon.)

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

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