• Member Since 11th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2016


I believe that the most dangerous weapon to man is a silver tongue.

More Blog Posts393

  • 430 weeks
    All Things Considered…

    I had begun writing my first story, Development of the Changeling Territories, a month after I started on this site. Furthermore, it had received a second chapter shortly after that.

    That was over three years ago.

    Read More

    2 comments · 582 views
  • 438 weeks



    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :raritydespair:

    4 comments · 455 views
  • 439 weeks

    I keep disappearing from Fimfic for a week and coming back to read messages, and I haven't read anything in maybe two months. :derpytongue2:

    So… how are you all doing?

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  • 447 weeks
    Merry Chri-

    Wait, that already happened.

    Happy We're-Now-in-the-Future, everybody! Doesn't the future feel great?

    2 comments · 403 views
  • 447 weeks

    Two days ago, it started raining.
    Yesterday, there was thunderstorm throughout the entire morning, and it eventually rained enough to flood many lower areas.



    2 comments · 431 views

All Things Considered… · 7:35pm Apr 26th, 2016

I had begun writing my first story, Development of the Changeling Territories, a month after I started on this site. Furthermore, it had received a second chapter shortly after that.

That was over three years ago.

Methinks that, as much as I would like to continue my idea from way back when, I'm simply never going to do it. So, rather than have that silly "promise" that is the Hiatus tag for the story, I shall finally cancel it.

Perhaps someday I'll make a different story with the same premise, but for now, getting back to it's impossible at this point. The seven chapters I had planned afterwards all have had nothing written in them (well, except for two hundred words in the "third" chapter that are mostly copy-pasted words from a suggestion), and they will never have anything written in them.

So eh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Comments ( 2 )

3898241 Thanks, I guess. :rainbowwild:

I'm definitely still going to be here and stuff. Just will never know when I do the brainamadoohickering and the writingmabobbles apart from occasional proofreading. :derpytongue2:

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