• Member Since 11th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2016


I believe that the most dangerous weapon to man is a silver tongue.

More Blog Posts393

  • 430 weeks
    All Things Considered…

    I had begun writing my first story, Development of the Changeling Territories, a month after I started on this site. Furthermore, it had received a second chapter shortly after that.

    That was over three years ago.

    Read More

    2 comments · 581 views
  • 438 weeks



    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :raritydespair:

    4 comments · 455 views
  • 439 weeks

    I keep disappearing from Fimfic for a week and coming back to read messages, and I haven't read anything in maybe two months. :derpytongue2:

    So… how are you all doing?

    20 comments · 479 views
  • 447 weeks
    Merry Chri-

    Wait, that already happened.

    Happy We're-Now-in-the-Future, everybody! Doesn't the future feel great?

    2 comments · 402 views
  • 447 weeks

    Two days ago, it started raining.
    Yesterday, there was thunderstorm throughout the entire morning, and it eventually rained enough to flood many lower areas.



    2 comments · 431 views

Bleh · 9:54pm Feb 23rd, 2016

I keep disappearing from Fimfic for a week and coming back to read messages, and I haven't read anything in maybe two months. :derpytongue2:

So… how are you all doing?

Report MoldyShishkabob · 479 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

I'm like the title of this blog.

3773368 It's very accurate, ain't it? :rainbowwild:

3773370 Bros. c:

3773606 Sweet, I'll be sure to check in more often from now on, considering how much progress you've been making. :derpytongue2:

3773748 hleB

3774797 So, what've you been up to?
Other than maybe waiting for me to finally get to your new story idea you sent me. >.>

3779016 I'm fine. And it's alright.

3779166 Silly, I asked "what've you been up to", not "how are you doing". :rainbowwild:

3783389 Sorry and nothing much.

3783782 It's okie, I'm just foolin' with ya anyway, kek.

3790255 Did you see the latest Nintendo Direct? :pinkiesmile:

3791482 Oh… Well, cool stuff like Star Fox Zero, Monster Hunter Generations…

And just one sad bit that involved Paper Mario.

3794056 Remember Sticker Star?

3795009 Yeah… looks like they're pretty much doing it again.

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